"True words are often spoken from experience." She said, having a hand rub the tears from her face. She drank from her cup, pleased.

'Maybe......maybe we need to reflect upon our own actions.' She thought.

Luminara stared at the screen, what could she say, this man spoke with such certainty, such conviction. There was nothing she could say at this. But still, to her it was sounding like he was loosing his way, it sounded like he was becoming the Malpais Legate again, but for his religion instead of for the legion again.

I survived, because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me. I fell down into that dark chasm, but the flame burned on and on. The fire that had kept me alive, was love, their love, God's love. I will never be able to repay the debt I owe them, but I must try.

Thank you for, staying with me. Tomorrow will be here soon, and there is still much work to be done, god be with you.

Shaak Ti smiled. The warmth inside of her heart was love. Her love for the clones, and the Love the clones had for her. She placed both hands on her chest, and closed her eyes. The warmth made her feel complete.

Vos now knew what the feeling from before was, the feeling he feels now, it was as the burned man said, it was the love of god, it was the fire of god, and now that he knew this. It filled him with more questions and even more uncertainty, with the force it was so simple. Their was light and dark, but with this new feeling, the feeling of god as the burned man calls it and what he spoke of it. It brought so many of his actions into question. 'Have i truly fallen so far that i could not feel the love? That i could not even know what the love of this new force felt like? Who am i truly?' Was all that filled his head.

Luminara paused for a moment and looked to her left and to her right, and sighed in her mind 'Oh force' she thought, 'I'm going to become an alcoholic with these two aren't I." Because as she looked to her left and right she could see the look on both of their faces at Graham's little speech, because she knew she would have to keep these two idiots from going down the extremes on this, force help her, God help her. Because she definitely needs it.

Before the war, people prayed to all sorts of gods. Most of those old religions didn't survive the war. No time to memorize scripture, or recite prayers when every minute of the day is spent scavenging for food. Nowadays every bombed-out town in the wasteland has the remains of the an old church in it, but most of them are empty, save for the radroaches and feral ghouls. If the old world gods are coming back, they sure are taking their time with it. In the meantime, the more superstitious folks in the Wasteland have been making up their own religions to help them get through the day.

*Shows a crowd in a great courtyard, and people in robes, wearing crosses walking down halls. Many hold books and are discussing unknown subjects. The video stops and a ruined structure, with a large window over the door is shown. It then shows a large bomb, in a pool of mud, with buildings around it.*

Talzin was impressed, the Terrans religious foundation was deep, yet not deep enough to survive the world ending.

Viscus, a night brother was rather surprised. The scale of these religious structures were larger than most clan territories, with the insides being as vast as the Night Sister's temple.

There's a group of kooks out East who worship a nuclear bomb that's right in the center of their town. The thing was a dud that didn't go off during the Great War back in 2077, and it's been sitting there ever since. Some of the locals must have thought it was divine intervention that prevented it from exploding and this holy relic has been spreading thyroid cancer to the faithful ever since.

Star War StoryTellerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora