Shaak Ti held a cup of tea in her hands. Listening to these words of wisdom, it spoke to her, in some way. The man speaking was covered in bandages, he was injured, but he spoke words that made her feel healed, in someway, it was as if an injury she didn't know she had was being fixed.

Luminara just stared at the screen and while she felt truth from this man, she also felt the extremeness to which he would go to get his point across, he would completely separate himself from the world and claim religiousness but he would loose his way, because he could no longer relate to the people who are not believers, such people are dangerous because of how easy it its to loose sight of their original goal.

"There is much to be skeptical of in this world, so it no longer surprises me to learn so many people don't believe in anything. But I believe in our lord was made flesh in Jesus Christ, and died to redeem me and you, everyone. I know it may be hard to accept, or even to understand, in my heart, I believe even though I am a sinner, I have been saved.

And I believe there is something beyond this rock, and this air and this water around us, something more that is waiting for us.

You can rationalize if you'd like, I'd understand, the good lord knows I've tried. Whether there is a god or not, his existence doesn't depend on what you believe, or what I say."

Vos simply whispered to himself, "Even though i am a sinner, i have been saved." He sat there thinking about all the things he has done in the war which should have pushed him to the dark side, yet he still walked the light. Was there even a light or dark side anymore? Was there even a reason to fight? For man like Vos all he could think about was those words repeating in his head over and over again.

Shaak Ti smiled. Setting the cup down, she placed a hand over her chest, feeling a warmth, it was pleasant. If it was the god that was spoken of, or the force, Shaak Ti was uncertain, but it made her feel better. Something was out there. She could feel something, and it was enough for her, to be happy.

'He speaks with such certainty' Luminara thought to herself, 'At least he believes in something, if I had a credit for every time someone called the force a hokey religion I would be rich, he is right about one thing there is something more to this vast universe, and it is a choice. All you have to do is either accept it or not and move on with your life, not spend years trying to discredit it because you don't believe in it.'

"The light of the mind alone, can not dispel the whole world's darkness. The choice is yours, of course. We all go through periods of darkness, for many of us, the road is a difficult one but the path is always there for us to follow, no matter how many times we may fall. Think on it, and look into your heart.

We have made and kept covenants with our lord god to honor his laws. In exchange, we are promised eternal salvation after this life. In a world filled with misery and uncertainty, it is a great comfort to know that in the end, there is light in the darkness.

But this is the waking world in which we live, there is no need to cry, no need to dream. A day will come, when our lord returns to judge us all. Until then, we must honor his laws and start others along the path of salvation, if we can. I will carry the fire of the Holy Spirit inside, until I stand before my lord in judgment."

Vos contemplated the mans words until finally a thought rang into his head, 'How will i be judged? Have my actions any meaning? What about others?' It honestly scared him to think that a higher being or even the force would judge him for the actions many take on their day to day lives until finally they die and are judged for those actions.

Shaak ti could feel the acceptance, she could feel how his words were loving in a way. The warmth spread through her more and more. She sniffed, feeling her eyes begin to water almost. The words were beautiful.

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