Chapter 37

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"I've never in my life would have thought I would be here with Angelica Diamond or should I say Riddle"
Mattheo Marvolo Riddle

That night Matteo spent the night with me he told me to get ride of the spell and that I looked hot while pregnant.

"No Theo I'm not taking off the spell" I gritted through my teeth annoyed at him.

"You don't look fat you look amazing" he came over to me and warped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him.

I swatted at his arms signaling for his to let go of me he huffed and let go of me.

He was only wearing gray sweatpants and no shirt.

"So u was thinking for our birthday we could have birthday sex" he asked me while leaning back against my head board as I applied lotion on my legs.

"I'm still pregnant" I sighed while getting up and putting the lotion in the bathroom.

"And..." he said while raising an eyebrow "it could hurt the baby" I replied bluntly, I continued "but after I recover from giving birth, I'm down for make up birthday sex" I laid beside him while putting the covers over our body's.

He smiled and got closer to me making me even warmer "I can't believe you forgave me so easily" he sighed while looking at the spell I casted on the ceiling for it to look like the Milky Way.

I giggled slightly "I did not forgive you, not yet at least" I turned to face him.

I did not see that smile go off his face since he came in here.

"Oh I know" he said while smiling at me I kissed him on the forehead and turned over to where I wasn't facing him.

I felt a pair of hand snake around my waist giving me shiver but warmth at the same time.

He hummed while trailing his fingers on my exposed arm up and down making a faint smile appear on my face. He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck I could feel his steady breathing.

I listened to his heartbeat along with his humming "I won't leave you again" he kissed my neck and we both fell asleep to him humming.


I woke up from coldness I realized Mattheo wasn't beside me anymore I got chills all over my body.

I decided to get up and get breakfast and try not to think about ruling the wizarding world, Mattheo and getting married to him, it's only a matter of time before the news gets out.

I went downstairs, still in my nightgown it was freezing.

I mean what do you expect when you live in a mansion with serpent's. My mother was making coffee I walked over to her and say on the counter top.

"Since today is your birthday I thought you and Mattheo could go out, maybe to the garden out back with the flowers and hand out today since it is your guy's birthday's" my mother gave me a smile but I could tell it was fake.

I nodded my head "tell Mattheo I'll be out back in the garden where the flowers are" I hopped off the counter and rushed up stairs to my room to get changed.

I wore a white loose dress enough that it was not tight on me and it went down to my knees.

I went out back to where the flowers were and sat in the grass that must have been mowed I read Romeo and Juliet again, I was seriously addicted to it.

30 minutes had passed by and I heard distance footsteps I looked up and it was Mattheo we made eye contact.

His brown eyes lit up from the sunlight.

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