Chapter 2

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i hadn't wrote Angelica since she left I felt bad but i had to let her go she deserved someone who was going to be there for her right by her side and comfort her when she needed to be comforted

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i hadn't wrote Angelica since she left I felt bad but i had to let her go she deserved someone who was going to be there for her right by her side and comfort her when she needed to be comforted. But it had been 4 or 5 years since she left memories started to go away and turn into a blur I could barely remember what she looked like I was never really truly over her. She wrote to me but I never responded then one day she had stopped so I just had thought to myself she had moved on or thought I had moved houses or I just did not care I kept all her letters in a box and I read them when I missed her there is one promise I will always keep and that would be waiting for her no matter how long it takes. I would love to see her again but I lost hope a long time ago I knew she wasn't going to come back I knew that for a fact.

I finished all the homework studied so I can get good grades I had bags under my eyes it was the morning I had stayed up all night doing my homework and Malfoy's and studying

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I finished all the homework studied so I can get good grades I had bags under my eyes it was the morning I had stayed up all night doing my homework and Malfoy's and studying. I made my way out of the library and I was met with Malfoy he was standing at the door ready to go into the library. "I thought you might be here since you know you are a nerd right," he said did he just call me a nerd I felt like slapping him across the face but he can get me expelled. "Here you go Malfoy" I said in a firm voice I had absolutely no time for him I had to attend my classes even though I was really tired. "Why so suck up?" He said questioning me this was stupid why can't he take the papers and leave. "Why do you care, and I was up all night doing my homework and yours also studying so I can get straight A's" I said in a tired voice. "Sorry can you re phrase that I was to busy... not listening" he stared to laugh I just stared at him with no facial expressions on my face I had to get to potions or I would be late. I walked past him slightly hitting his shoulder with mine because I had enough of hinge always get on my last nerve.

Potions class

If Malfoy did not get a good grade I would be done for. I walked into potion class and stood beside Hermione, Malfoy was glaring, of course he was. Then slunghorn started to speak "today class we will be brewing Amortentia" i was excited because I've never smelled it before it's supposed to be what sent attracts you which I had not fully known what scent attracts me. "Angelica why don't you take a whip of the Amortentia and tell us what you smell" I smile at him and walk up to were it was I leaned against the table and sniffed it. "It smells like, cookies.... *sniff* vanilla a-and *sniff* sugar cookies" I look around the room I did not know anyone who smelled like it, but I think I do I think I know who it is I just could not put my finger on it. Slughorn said "Do you know who smells like that" "I- um no I do not sir," I was being honest. "Very well then" he smiled at me I took that as to go back into the group of students. "Do you know who smells like that?" Hermione questions me she thought I knew but did not feel comfortable with telling the whole class. But the truth is that I did not really know. "Oh- that must suck" potion class ended and I attended all of my classes for the morning I was making my way to lunch.

I saw Malfoy walking and I decided to ask him if he had gotten a good grade because I don't want to get expelled. "Hey Malfoy did you get a good grade" I asked he was with his pug face of a girlfriend and goyle. "Don't talk to me, mud-blood!" He then pushed passed me how could he all the sudden he just became more rude then he already was. I turned around and decided to fight back because I would just not let him disrespect me like that. "Malfoy you have no right to disrespect me like that!" I knew I fucked up... "don't you dare speak to me like that he then dragged me out of the great hall.

"I'm going to get you expelled you filthy little mud-blood now people basically think your obsessed with me I mean how could I blame you, I mean I am perfect" he held onto my wrist tightly it started to hurt.

" I am not obsessed over you I just wanted to know if you got a good grade or not so you don't get me expelled" I said firmly so he knew I meant it. "Fine I believe you but like I said don't talk to me in public got it" he still had a hold of my wrist I tried to wiggle it out of his grip but it wasn't working. "I got it now let go of my wrist" "was that on order Angelica, I make the rules you don't" he let go of my wrist and walked back into the great hall. I also walked back into the great hall and found my seat beside Hermione, Ron and Harry they are nice people to be around, the most civil people you could be around.

"What's wrong with your wrist?" Harry questioned me, he looked concerned. "Oh it's nothing just Malfoy being a prick" I said in a low tone. "Well that's Malfoy, being a prick like always no matter what situation you are in" Harry was right it kinda disappointed me though I was not obsessed over Draco Lucius Malfoy, I more would have like to kill him if I had a chance.

But I was just like the rest of my family, I was more than ashamed of it. A few hours went by and it was time for bed Luna attended more of her classes like normal I'd went to bed early right after dinner and I got the best sleep of my life but a lot of things just did not leave my mind no matter how hard I wanted them to.

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❦ PINTEREST: @badglam ❦ TIKTOK: @softnakd

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PINTEREST: @badglam
TIKTOK: @softnakd

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