Chapter 17

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"I did not tell her it was Theo... I'm sorry look I'll make it up to you by taking you to hogsmede"
Lorenzo Berkshire

I went to the great hall for breakfast the next morning hoping that Hermione would forgive me but I honestly doubt that.

I was going to speak with Leo and why he did tell her.

I walked over to where he was sitting alone usually was surrounded by girls or Hermione but today was different. He looked sad, but why was he sad he was the one who told her.

"Leo you snitch" he looked up from his plate I saw a twinkle in his eye when he looked at me it made me weak.

"Why the hell are you calling me a snitch I wasn't the one who told Hermione" I could see he wasn't doing well since there breakup.

"Then who told Hermione" I looked to my left and saw two boys giggling at me and Leo I think I have a new idea of who told her.

Those two boys were Lorenzo Berkshire and Theodore Nott.

They are the two trouble makers of the school if you ever got associated with them you are definitely going to do something you'll regret. So I usually stay out of their business.

But of course we had to cross paths.

I walked over to them and sat beside Lorenzo. "So which one of you told her?" they did not think I knew but I did.

They looked at each other in shock.

"Um-I-" Theodore started to stutter he knew that I knew.

"Well you see.. me and Theo were walking along empty hallways and corridors and we happen to enter a class room and you happen to be sucking off Leonardo and like everyine knows that him and Hermione are a thing.. not anymore though" he was right but not innocent. He looked innocent but don't let him fool you.

I wasn't mad just the fact that they saw us made me disgusted and mad.

"Okay.. Theodore how would you like it if I told your girlfriend about you and Lavender" I glanced at him my eyes were narrowed I honestly made that up just to play with him.

"How did you know?" I was shocked by his reply I was just kidding. "I was just kidding but now that I have some dirt on you I can use that against you in the future.. so watch out" and with that I walked away leaving the two boys there in shock.

"That was badass" the look one Leo's face was priceless.

"Mhm.. I was really honest I just made that up that I knew about him and Lavender I didn't know it was true"

"It was funny though" I could agree an that but not all the way because they invaded my privacy and I will invade theirs.

"Anyways we have classes to attend too" last night was hard to sleep knowing you lost your best friend dew to two immature boys.

I decided to get a fresh start and switch to dark arts it took a liking to my interest.

And I was tired of being around people who really did not care about me or was trying to use me it got on my nerves.

No one knew that I switched to dark arts I was not planning on telling Draco, Leo, Mattheo, Tom and Hermione. I did not really care for half of them I definitely did not care for Tom.

I had charms, potions, muggle art. I know muggle art I was non interested it did not grad my attention it was useless why did I want to learn about muggles because when I go home I am surrounded by people who are muggles.

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