Chapter 40: Repeat that?

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Scarlets pov:

I was walking into the building with Xavier in tow. I see Harvey pull up in the biking smirking at him. "You're late," I tell him with a smirk. "Well, what I have you would like to hear," he says, smirking back at me.

Xavier snorts at are banter, "alrighty gentleman, let's take this upstairs and form a game plan."

Arriving on my office floor, I see Blair typing on her tablet and hands me a Starbucks drink.

"Thanks, Blair" I walk through my office doors and see five file storage boxes near the front of my desk. "Blair, what are these?" I say, gesturing to the boxes. As I start powering up my computer, Xavier and Reginald sit on the office chairs.

Blair walks in. "Well, it's the files regarding a certain Fuzion Motors, and why is Batman and Robin here?" She says

"Blair still fabulous as ever," Reginald says. "Reggy, I'm Blair, of course. I'm fabulous," she says with a smirk.

"Sup boy wonder," she says as she ruffles his hair.

Xavier is the baby of the group "Hi Blair," he says

"Now, before you guys do what you 3 know best, Scarlett, you have a meeting at 11 with Mr. Holmes from HAT; he is bringing a client over to sign a contract, and he requested it to be here."

"OK, forward me the contract before the meeting so I can review it; thank you, Blair," I tell her with a smile. Blair left the room and closed the door behind her to her office. "You got Elijah Holmes, CEO of HAT as a client. How did you pull that off," said Xavier with amazement?

"Listen here junior; there is one thing you must know. I'm Scarlett Valentino and I'm awesome," I say with a grin. "Now let's get back to the real deal, Fuzion motors and APEXTITAN. What do we know so far," says Reginald.

"From what we know, both companies are huge in the motor cross world; both are planning on releasing a car," said Xavier

"Now the thing is this "car" they are claiming is way better than a 4x4 truck all-wheel drive SUV, you name it," I say as I search for something on my laptop.

"A jeep on steroids," Reginald says

"Now, what's the issue that these two companies are butting heads over," Xavier says. "Well, it's this," is say and press a button on my desk that makes a projector turn on.

"The engine is the same," I say and grab my Laser pointer "from the crankshaft to the cinder block," I say as I circle the engine parts with the laser pointer.

"is it a coincidence?" I say with my hands on my hips. "I think not," I say with a smirk.

"Did you just quote Dash's teacher from the Incredibles?" Say, Reginald

"You are not the only ones who can quote lines from movies and TV shows," I say and wink at them. "Now, seeing as how they gave us what is supposed to be every document related to the matter. I have a gut feeling this may be a bigger case than it already is," I say, looking at the boxes' labels.

"Now there are five boxes; let's all get one and go through it and sew what we can find and cross reference with APEXTITAN?" Said Xavier; we each got a box, and as I was about to have a seat and start reviewing the documents inside. Blair bursts into my office.

I sent her a glare. Blair knows not to come in unannounced when I'm reviewing case documents unless it is an emergency. But as I look at her, she looks like she is freaking out.

"Blair what's wrong is everything OK?" I'm now worried. Reginald and Xavier also look over at Blair with concern. She didn't speak, so I think the worst did something happen with Rex or Daniel or Elijah or something else.

"The meeting you have with Mr. Holmes it's with the Salvatore holdings, and they arrived an hour early," she says in one breath.




"Scar it seems like this is a private matter. Xavier and I will be in my office reviewing the boxes," Reginald says

"Thanks, Reggy I owe you one I will be there as soon as the meeting is over," I say to him. He and Xavier leave my office with the boxes in hand, and I look at Blair.

"Spill tells me everything," I say as I sit in my desk chair, and she sits in front. "Well, Daniel forgot to tell me that detail, but it's OK; at least I found out now when I was reviewing the contract before forwarding it to you. It's a simple agreement nothing too extreme," she says

Did he know and didn't tell me to wait till I get my hands on Elijah?

I sigh, already feeling a headache forming. "Blair, at this point, I will take it as an honest mistake, but Elijah is in the dog house for not informing me before hand, either way, I can't avoid them forever if they recognize me, so be it if not, we leave it how things are," I tell her as I start reviewing the contract.

"That's the spirit, so I will go finish setting up the conference room now and Daniel said they will be here in 30 minutes," Blair says before she leaves, she hugs me, and I return the favor.

Blair is a fantastic personal assistant and my best friend. "What would I do without you," I ask her. She smirks at me, "probably be bored for the rest of your life" I snort at her; she leaves my office and sends me a wink before closing the door.

I look over the contract, and it looks simple enough; it's just an agreement. This contract needs to be sat down and negotiated with both sides to see what both sides will get out of it. Simple enough, what can go wrong?

Oliver pov:

My brothers are here at Mr. Holnes' attorney's office. Ironically enough, it's located across from his company, which is very convenient. We are now here waiting for our attorney to appear.

"Where is he? He is late again." Says now a pissed-off Hunter. Our attorney, Jack lynch, tends to screw us over by not being punctuational, but what can we say? he does work for one of the top ten firms in the nation.

Dani-Leigh is on the phone with a lynch paralegal figuring out how much longer he will take. "He should have been here by now," a now pissed-off Hunter mentioned.

"OK, he should be here soon," she said as she approached us where we were seated. Someone speaks right behind us. A woman with a tablet in hand approaches us.

"Hello I'm Blair Mickelson I'm Ms Valentino secretary you must be here for the meeting if you would like follow me and I can have you all set up in the conference room" she is in

We all get up and follow Ms. Mickelson to the meeting. We see drinks already set up in the center of the conference room.

I see Dani-Leigh talking to Ms. Mickelson in regards to the meeting. Our lawyer arrives, and so do Elijah and his PA.

The same PA we saw him with Dani-Leigh the other day. I see the 3 of them Hubble together, but Mr. Wayne is closer to Ms. Mikelson.

Elijah approaches us and shakes our hands. "Hello, I apologize about the change of venue at the last minute, but with what happened last time, I don't want to risk another incident from last time."

I shiver at that memory. I felt terrible for Dani-Leigh, who had to clean up that mess. "No worries we apologize for the incident so should we begin with the meeting," says Oliver.

"We should but we are just waiting on my legal council to appear," said Elijah "ya who is late, mind you," said Mr. Lynch with a bored expression.

"Mr. Lynch care to repeat that," said an unknown voice; we looked over there stood a woman well dressed in an all-black suit. 

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