Cheater 28: What is it?

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A/n: if you see "***"  next to a word there will be a note as to what that word means in law language at the end of the chapter 

Scarlett POV:

I'm currently in the judge's chamber with opposing counsel talking with the judge that their client has denied my firm in obtaining their discovery.***

"Your honor, opposing counsel, had denied my firm's request to obtain their files to review them," I tell Judge Mayor.

"Explain yourself," the judge mayor says sternly.

"Your honor, my client is not obligated to give Ms Valentino those files since they hold valuable company secrets that are crucial to ensure that no one else copies my client's products," says opposing counsel

"Your honor both our clients are companies that mass-produce millions and billions of products every year. but here is the thing how both companies filed a patent*** for the same product at the same time but yet opposing counsel got it approved before my client," I tell Judge Mayor while smirking at opposing counsel.

"Any words council" judge mayor looks at the attorney.

"Your honor, we all know how Ms Valentino deals with her cases, but my client has requested not to released the document," the opposing counsel mentions.

"This meeting is over after hearing this argument; this case is going to trial; you guys will be in my courtroom next week to settle it there," the judge's mayor says as he leaves his chambers.

"Don't take it to heart, Ms. Valentino; your winning streak is about to come when I wipe the floor with you at trial," the opposing counsel says while smirking at me.

Grabbing my belongings and looking at the opposing counsel, I tell him, " we will see about that," while exciting the judge's chamber and wearing my sunglasses.

Leaving the courthouse, I see Alfred opening the door to my car. "Hello, Alfred, a beautiful day isn't."

Alfred, as always, tips his hat. "Scar, you know it, and I know it is a beautiful day for you is the rainy weather now Blair has requested that I take you to the Cafe near the office," he informs me.

"Alrighty Alfred thank you!!!" I tell him as I get inside the town car.

Arriving at the cafe, I spot Blair sitting near the window with a coffee set for me and a croissant. Now you may think what a fantastic assistant I have. You are right; she is fantastic at doing it, but

she never orders before I arrive. We order the moment I arrive or when she arrives, never before. When she does this to break some bad news to me.

"Hi," Blair says with a slightly nervous tone.

"Blair, I know you now tell me what is it?" I tell her while taking a sip of my coffee 


Discovery: this is the formal process of exchanging information between the parties about the witnesses and evidence they'll present at trial

Patent: is a legal right to an invention given to a person or entity without interference from others who wish to replicate, use, or sell it.

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