Chapter 32: Princess

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Third P.O.V.:

In the Salvatore estates, a room decked out in every girly girl's dream bedroom is sat in front of her vanity table. Emily Perez-Salvatore was in her robe, getting ready for the day.

As she finished getting ready, all that was missing was for her to apply lipstick. Right as she was finishing applying. Her phone rings which started her and resulted in her lipstick smearing her left cheek

Her phone rang, so she grabbed it off the table and answered.

"It's done," said the unknown voice on the other end of the call

"Excellent payment will be sent to you soon, and meet me at the location," Emily says to the mysterious caller as he ends the call. She looks at herself in the mirror, specifically at a photo of a certain C.E.O. framed near her vanity mirror. She grabs the frame and looks at it loving it "soon, you will be all mine," she says to it and kisses it.

Emily finishes getting ready and heads straight to her A.T.M. machine, aka her father. She searched for him all over the house and found him and her brothers in the home office. "There you are, daddy. I'm going shopping today. Can you transfer me some money," said Emily excitedly.

"Of course my darling anything you want," said Richard Salvatore

The Salvatore brothers watch in front of them the Father and daughter interaction. As they continued watching, this just brought more realization of how their sister felt all those years ago, resulting in her disappearing. Deep in thought, the trio didn't realize that daddy's princess had left the office.

"Boys, are you all OK?" Richardo asks his sons, who seem to have their minds elsewhere.

Hunter was the first to break out of their thoughts, whose emotions got the best of him. Usually, he is the collected one out of himself and his brothers.

"Seriously, dad," Hunter says while glaring at his father.

"Whatever do you mean?" Ricardo asked with confusion as to what his oldest said 3

"Dad, she is a grown adult; you still financially support her and spoil her as if she is five years old," Hunter replies.

"She is my daughter; as a father, I can treat and spoil her however I want," Ricardo said with slight anger.

"What about your other daughter?" Oliver asks, not looking at his father. The room became tense and quiet.

"This is what we mean, Dad. You neglected one who is biologically your own and paid attention to someone who isn't," Cole adds.

"It's not like you three did any better," Ricardo spoke up again, playing the memories of a certain little girl running around happy running away from her brothers who were chasing her.

The brothers became quiet, remembering as well the little memories they had with their sister. "You're right, but we realized when it was too late," Cole said, remembering the day as if it was yesterday. Cole and his brother regret their decision that day that cost them someone; they promised they would be there, but they were too late.

Clearing his throat, Oliver said, "hopefully, when they find her, she can forgive us."

"Your right all we can do now is hope she is OK out there in the world," Hunter says while looking at the windows.

"How is the search coming along any updates from Carrington securities?" Richardo asks

"We met with Rex Carrington last week to discuss if he can find her he said he will contact us if there is any updates but as of now, we haven't heard anything. I might give him a call tomorrow and ask," said Cole

"Well keep me posted or let me know when the next meeting is and I will tag along," Richardo says

"Now let's get back to business, how are company stocks doing?" Richardo asks his sons

Hunter Oliver and Coal inform their father of the New projects they are doing with the company and how the company's revenue is going up.

While the men talk business, let's see what a certain someone is up to

Emily is parked in an empty parking lot as she wants this person to arrive. As she checks her watch for the millionth time, two blacked-out S.U.V. appear.

Men in suits walk out of the 1 st S.U.V. toward the 2nd one and open the back passenger door. Shiny black leather shoes make an appearance.

As the door closes, the mysterious, strange approaches Emily.

"You have the money," said the tall manly stranger

"Yes, it's all here," Emily replies, handing the man a yellow envelope.

The stranger snaps his fingers, and one of the mysterious stranger's security team grabs the envelope and counts the money that's inside the envelope. He nodded at his boss, informing him that payment was complete.

The man turns and leaves, heading back to his vehicle.

"That's it what happens now. I need you to start with what I told you; this must happen now. I want my happily ever after you promised me," said a now bratty Emily.

The man stops in his place, looks Emily over his shoulder, and smirks at her before laughing. Emily looks at the man, confused by the bodyguard of the mysterious man shares a knowing look.

"Oh princess, you think just because you paid me to do something. you think you are in control of everything doesn't work that way, your highness," the stranger says

Opening his suit, he gets a cigarette, lights it, and turns around, walking toward Emily while taking a drag off the cancerous stick.

He blows the smoke to Emily's face. Emily makes a disgusting face.

"Princess, you don't even know who you dealt with. I own you, so everything I say goes do something to double-cross me; you wouldn't like the consequences."

The man drops the cigarette o. The ground and stomps it and leaves, heading back to his vehicle

As the 2 S.U.V. speed out, Emily is left alone wondering what she has done but knows deep down that it may be worth it in the end. 


Guess whos back baby 

missed me ;) 

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