Chapter 41: I Make Them

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Scarlett POV: 

"Mr lynch, care to repeat that," I say with my arms crossed, daring him to continue. "Ms. Valentino, I didn't know you are the opposing counsel," he says with a nervous tone.

I huff at his response, "Gentlemen, I'm Scarlett Valentino. I welcome you to RVF now; from my understanding, we are here to sign an agreement" I take my place at the head of the table and look at the copy of the contract.

"Yes, that's correct. Salvatore holding made a deal with your client, and this is just for formalities," said lynch

"Splendid, please provide me the contract, and we can make this simple and easy," I say. Lynch passes me a copy of the contract.

As I grab the contract and compare the copy, I notice a whole paragraph that is not on my copy.

"What's this ?" I say as I throw the contract back to lynch.

"What do you mean this is the contract Salvatore and Holmes agree on ?" He says lynch is either he is playing dumb at this moment, or this is a setup.

Elijah and the Salvatore brothers look at us, confused. "Ms. Valentino cares to enlighten us about what's going on?" Hunter says.

I grabbed a copy of the original contract. "Either this is all a misunderstanding, or this was a typo from the beginning. But please explain why your contract states that my client is obligated to pay your legal council 2,368,000 dollars in attorneys fees and costs."

I glare at the people in front of me from the corner of my eye, I see Elijah grabbing the contract, and at that moment, I see Lynch grabbing the contract before he does.

At the moment, the Salvatore brothers are confused. Maybe they didn't know what was going on. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. "Care to tell them to lynch, or shall I," I say in a serious tone.

Lynch looks like he wants the ground to swallow him whole. "It was a typo, Ms. Valentino I will have my firm send over a new one as soon as possible." he says in a rush and leaves the room with the phone in hand.

As we waited for Lynch to return, I decided to step out and check on Reginald and Xavier for a bit. "Excuse me, gentleman, I'm going to step out for a moment. I have a call to make."

"Take your time Ms. Valentino We apologize on our attorney's behalf for the error," Coal says. I nod at the brothers and ignore a certain person who has been staring at me this whole time. I'm still mad at him, so he is getting the silent treatment and the cold shoulder from me.

I leave the conference room, and as I make my way to the other conference room next door, Blair appears out of nowhere, scaring the crap out of me. "Jesus, woman, a little warning would be nice," I tell her.

"Sorry about that, but you need to know about this," she says, stressing out. "Blair, whatever it is, it will have to wait," I tell her as I continue walking to conference room #2. "It's about FUZION Motors (F.M.)," she says. Now that grabbed my attention. "You have my attention," I say to her.

"Jack Lynch is in the mens bathroom right now panicing." she says severely. Now, you may be wondering how Blair knows all of this; in her own words, "Im blair i know everything." she has eyes and ears all over the firm. She knows what's happening at any moment.

With a confused look, I ask, "what does that have to do with the meeting?" I think as to what it could be that caused Lynch to panic. "Well, apparently, the firm Lynch works for just assigned him to be apart of the defense on Fuzion motors." she says

"Son of a bitch" I say after realizing what does mean. Blair already sees the stress on my face. "there is more," she says. I give her a look saying to continue. "apparently, he is going to do anything in his power to ensure that we don't see that courtroom on Friday. On the hearing of the trial on APEXTITAN and Fuzion Motors."

"Well then, thank you for letting me know, Blair. It is time to let them know I don't respond well to threats. I make them," I tell her with a smirk; she smirks back at me.

"go get them, tiger. I will keep watch on the boys in the meantime." Blair says as she heads off to conference room #1.

I am going to where the dynamic duo is in conference room #2. I barge in. Reginald and Xavier look up from the file they are looking at. "hold everything. I just got word that I have the lawyer representing Fuzion motors at the meeting I'm in." I tell them.

"That changes things; this becomes a conflict of interest since we also found that H.A.T. also provided the supllies they need t create their vechile for both companies." Reginald says.

There's a conflict of interest here, but we can cancel that issue since I've got both Reginald and Xavier. Things just got messy, and we haven't even gone to trial with this. We can make minor adjustments to the case.

"Ok, here is what's going to happen. I say in a rush as I get a message from Blair saying they got the new contract ready. "Xavier, please file a motion of appearance for Friday's hearing and make sure Reginald's name is there. Do that now."

Reginald says, "Red, why? That's your case; as much I would love to take it over for you, I won't betray our friendship for a company."

" I have no time to explain when I get back. I will fill you in," I say as I start heading back to conference room #1. before entering, I'm met with jack lynch.

"Scarlett," he says in a rude tone

"Jackson," I reply with the same tone he used.

"Word on the street is you are defending on behalf of APEXTITAN so that you know on Friday, this case will be dismissed get ready to loose Scarelett," he says as he purposely dumps my shoulder and walks into the conference room.

"We will see about that, Jackson:" I say to him.  

A/N: Hope everyone is having an amazing day :) 

Also, the new book is up on my profile named Love v. Hate. 

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