Chapter 18: Pillow

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Elijah heads to Scarlett's kitchen to see what she has. He is glad to see the kitchen stocked with food and finds all the necessary ingredients to make tomato soup with grilled cheese.

Seeing as how that's the only type of soup he knows how to make. As the soup was being made, he would make the grilled cheese after she wakes up

While he waited, he worked on his laptop and set alarms to check on the sleeping angel.

3 hours later, as he was sitting next to Scarlett in her bed, she looked a little better than before her fever has gone down.

He decided to wake her up, and he kept calling her

Scarlett slowly started to wake up and rub her eyes; she saw a blurry figure until her vision cleared up and what she saw was Elijah right in front of her.

Then Elijah had a dominant tone of voice, saying, "Hi little one, you fainted before we had our meeting. So I took you here and had my doctor check you out." "He said you have the flu; you fainted due to a high fever," she nodded as a sign of understanding.

Scarlett finally realized she had her pacifier in her mouth, spitting it out as soon as possible, and started looking anywhere besides Elijah.

"Scarlett, I know your a little if you don't mind eating something first, then we talk about it," he tells her.

Scarlett looked at him and nodded, and she asked him," where are Ares and Maleficent?" She said she was not used to seeing her babies near her

"Ares and Maleficent are with Alfred. He took them out fearing that they might attack me, seeing as I had you in my arms unconscious," Elijah informs her while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Thank you, Elijah; can you step out for a bit? I'm going to get into something comfortable," she tells him.

He nods back at her and makes his way to the door, and turns around "would you like to eat here or in the living room."

"Living room is fine, but you know you didn't have to do anything, you know," she tells him with a small smile.

"I know, but I couldn't leave you in that state," he tells her while closing the door behind him.

Scarlett grabs a pillow and places it on her face, and screams into it. 

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