CHAPTER 33: Twenty

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"Now that we are alone I'm giving you two options you address the elephant in the room now or explain to me why haven't you answered your phone all day," Elijah says seriously while looking at me with his arm crossed.

Yup, he is mad beyond mad.


As I stayed quiet for a bit, I decided to explain why I had avoided his call.

"Well as you know already I had that meeting I had to go this morning to discuss with the judge to see if I can can't get an order to enforce them to give the document I need to I saw your messages but since I was with Blair and we were discussing something important that relates to my past," I tell him.

He now is looking at me with his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised but still holding his serious face. "Still doesn't explain why you are here; scaring Rex has to avoid my calls," he said thoughtfully.

Yup, he is mad pray for me yall.

As I poke his cheeks to make him look like he is smiling, even though he is smirking, I tell him, "Well, you can't deny it. You find it funny." There is amusement in his eyes.

Why is he attractive? It isn't fair. I swear he was made in a lab somewhere. At the same time, I was distracted by his handsome face and trying to make him smile and confess that he did enjoy it when I scared the pants off of rex earlier. I didn't see one of his arms move until I felt it.


My body jolted when the impact of his hands came on my butt. He spanked me

It wasn't a playful smack; it was a full force that not only did sting in the area where he smacked my butt. But it also caused my kitty to start tingling.

"Now, seeing as how you are here, you had a few minutes of free time; you should have seen my message and replied; you remember the rules, baby," he told me as he gently squeezed my neck.

"What was one of the rules, baby girl," he said as he kept his hand wrapped around my neck, holding me in place.

"To no matter how busy we are or not seeing each other due to our busy schedule, always said a message to make sure we are doing alright through the day or to simply check on each other," I reply to him while looking down on the ground. I replied in a small voice, letting him know I have submitted due to his dominance and the energy in the room. The playful energy I had earlier was gone.

"Why was that a rule," he said

"Because communication is key," I say

"That's right, baby, communication is key now for not answering my messages and making me think the worst all day. You will be punished with ten spankings," he tells me as he unwrapped his hand from my neck. I see him make his way towards Rex's chair and sit.

As he takes his seat, he pats his leg, letting me know to lay across his lap. I obey and take my place across his lap. I felt his huge rough hands on my butt.

I felt his left hand holding my lower back in place so I wouldn't be able to move. At the same time, his right hand was rubbing my butt. It felt like a lifetime of him making the same circular motion as I was about to tell him something.


I felt the jolt of his hand come down to my right butt cheek. That hurts as I'm still in shock at the force of the spanking he just gave me. I felt him rub the spot helping to soothe the pain.

"I dint hear you counting little one," he says in his daddy dom voice that is husky, deep, and smooth like velvet. His voice made me feel things and goosebumps started forming all over my body.

"One," I say

"Good, continue counting; remember, if you don't count, we start all over," he replies.

It went like this for a while, him spanking my butt 19 times and me counting.



I gave up on rating the pain on a scale of 1-10; each was super painful. Each time I counted out loud I also released a little moan. I felt Elijah smooth the area where he kept spanking me.

"There, little one, it is all over. You took it like a good girl that I know you are," he says as he has me move my position from laying across his lap to straddling him.

"Now, care to explain to me what you and the Salvatore's have going on," he says while looking at me and having his arms secured around my waist. In his eyes, I can see he has a beep of concern for me.

After a moment of silence, I decided if I was going to spill my secrets might as well do it over food.

"Let's go back to my place, and we'll grab one of my favorite comfort food, and I will tell you everything," I say while maintaining eye contact with him.

"Ok, anything you want, let's go, " he says and kisses me.

I would have become a pile of goop if he weren't holding me. As we continued having a miny makeout session, I let go of the kiss, and we both got out of our position.

I made my way to gather my stuff and make my way to the door Elijah had opened for me. Walking past him, I felt my body jolt again.

He did not just spank my butt, right now. Looking over my shoulder, I send him one of my deadly glares. All he does is smirk at me and give me a wink as he grabs my coat from my hands and guides me to the elevator. 

As the doors of the elevator close, I felt his breath near the back of my neck and he whispers in my ear in a deep soothing voice "Don't deny you enjoyed your punishment little one" he says as he kisses behind my neck. 

A/N: Hope everyone is having an amazing day xoxo 

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