Chapter 15:Zombie

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Happy Early Valentines Day!!! 

Scarlett POV: 

Elijah and I had a wonderful dinner the other night. We both enjoyed it very much. Consequently, we agreed to do so every week. We get together and have dinner together. He cooks dinner, and I make dessert and vice versa.

A few days later

"You look like a zombie. If you're not feeling well, you can go home, you know," my assistant Blair said while looking at me with concern.

All day today, I have been coughing and sneezing and feeling drowsy. I can't be sick. Probably it's just allergies since we have been having a lot of rainy weather lately.

"I'm fine bla *sneeze* I'm fine, Blair," I tell her while I blow my nose with a tissue.

"If you do change your mind, you let me know I will reschedule your meetings that are for today for another day," she says with raised hands.

"Talking about meetings you have a telephonic meeting with the legal counsel to talk about that rouge attorney of the H.A.T. Inc and then you have the meeting with C.E.O. of H.A.T. at 3 pm," she tells me as she reads off her iPad.

Looking at the time, I had 30 mins to prepare for the telephonic call with the legal counsel. I dismissed Blair and started reviewing my case to explain it to the council.

As lawyers, we can report anyone that we feel that's doing that wrong. We always have a reason to do so, be it small or big. In this case, this Attorney of H.A.T. was doing under-the-table dealing and breach of contract. Seeing as Rex and Elijah sent over the evidence so I could send it to the council. After righting the last of my notes of what I need to say to the council, I hear my office phone ringing.

I know who it is already before I pick up the call; I take a deep breath and pray I don't have a sneeze attack during this call.

"This is the legal council Judge Alaric. Hello Attorney Scarlett Valentino, how can I help you today," said judge Alaric

"Hello, your honor Judge Alaric; how are you this fine day? The reason why I request a call with the legal council today is......." I started explaining to judge Alaric, presenting my key points and evidence on how the Attorney broke his attorney-client privilege. I close it off with my closing statement suggesting the Attorney be suspended or have his license to practice removed.

There was a moment of silence from judge Alaric that I had to make sure he didn't hang up.

"Attorney Valentino, do you have physical evidence from the C.E.O. or owner of the company to back up your case? If so, please email it to me right now," he informs me.

"Yes, your honor, I do I just sent it to your email right now," I inform the judge.

Another awkward moment of silence

I started playing with my stuffed lionLincoln in the desk drawer to keep me company and give me good luck.

"Attorney Valentino, I have made my decision the attorney will have his license to practice law be permanently removed," the judge says

"I will have the other council review the other evidence you presented to explain to the company that this attorney did to make sure they weren't being screwed over in the process as well," he mentions

"Thank you, your honor. I will let my client know," I tell him as I smirk in victory.

"No, thank you, attorney Valentino. I have heard great things from you from the other council. You are a remarkable Attorney. It was a pleasure having this case and call with you," he mentions with praise.

If only he could see me now, I would be redder than a tomato, and it makes me glad that all my hard work is recognized.

"Thank you, judge Alaric. Have an amazing day" I ended the call, and bam, the one thing I prayed that wouldn't screw me over the sneezing.

*Sneeze* How I hate being sick as I'm blowing my nose for the millionth time of the day, I hear my door knock thinking it would be Blair.

But nope, it was Elijah in an all-black three-piece suit, standing in all his glory. I must look like a zombie with my watery eyes and runny nose in front of him.

"Hey, so Blair tells me you just ended the call with the legal counsel to discuss my case," he says while walking into my office.

I approach him and feel a light head "yes, I did. I have news to tell you," I told him, and then I fainted in front of Elijah yup, this will be the most embarrassing moment ever.

As I slowly closed my heavy eyelids, I heard someone lightly tap my face and call my name in the distance. 

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