Chapter 12: Should I?

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Rex POV:

After departing from Elijah and I started heading to my office. I texted the old man and told him what happened in the meeting our plan had started. I can't wait to see what the future holds for these two; they both deserve to be happy.

When I get to my office, I ask my assistant if there are any meetings.

"Yes, sir, you have a last-minute use meeting with the CEO of Salvatore Inc; they requested a meeting, and I scheduled them to be here in 15 min.

My demeanor changed. I told my assistant in my cold tone, "which Salvatore the senior or one of the sons?"

"All three of their sons will be showing up to the meeting," my assistant tells me.

"Send them to the conference room, and I will meet them there," I tell her and make my way to my office.

What do they want? As much as I would like to reschedule this meeting, I wonder what they could want.

You see, Salvatore is the name of someone I know, the very person who doesn't want any connection to them.

What could they want?

My intercom buzzes, "sir, the Salvatore Brothers have arrived and are waiting for you in the conference room," my assistant tells me.

I head to the conference room and control my anger for a bit before entering.

"Gentlemen, welcome to Carrington securities. I'm Rex Carrington, the CEO of this company. Can I help you," I say in my business voice and shake their hands.

"Pleasure meeting you Mr Carrington my name is Hunter Salvatore acting CEO of Salvatore Inc and these are my brothers Coal and Oliver "

The fact they look like her it's insane, just the different eye colors.

"Please sit; what can I help you guys with ?" I tell them and gesture to them to take a seat as I take a seat

They look within each other and communicate while I'm assuming who the youngest is, Oliver speaks.

"Well you see Mr Carrington the reason why we request for this meeting is we need your help I'm finding someone who is important to us," he says

So they do remember her what changed.

"May I ask who am I going to be looking for ?" I lean back in my seat and raise an eyebrow at the trio

The middle brother Coal speaks up, "our sister."

Their sister, hmmm, let's play a game, shall we see.

"You mean Emily? That sister ?" I ask them now; they may be asking who Emily is. Emily is their stepsister, who is an entitled brat.

Hunter tells me that their demeanor changes from severe to anger and guilt "she isn't our sister, and we no longer associate with her, " Hunter tells me.

Ok, so they are looking for her. Let's see how this goes.

"If it isn't her, then who? Last time I remember Emily is ur stepsister, and there was no other Salvatore sibling that the media doesn't know about," I told them.

Oliver looks at me with sadness as he says, "Ex stepsister, the person we are looking for is our biological sister due to an incident. She ran away ten years ago and we haven't found her since. We are sorry for what we did, and we'd like to make amends with her."

So they are looking for her. "Then what's the name of your sister? " I tell them.

Coal speaks up the name of the person I know all too well.

"Scarlett Valentina Salvatore," Hunter informs me.

I knew it, but I didn't know whether to help or not. How should I tell her specifically? 

Authors note: The tea in this chapter who is this Scarlett? who are the Salvatore family and what did they do? 

Tune in next time as the story unfolds 

Tune in next time as the story unfolds 

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