Ch 1:Coffee First

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As the morning rays begin penetrating through the curtains to welcome the new day. A certain someone is still peacefully slumbering, enjoying the few moments knowing she will soon be interrupted by her best friends.

Sounds of paws sauntering through the halls can be heard throughout the apartment as Maleficent and Ares quietly nudge the door of their owner’s bedroom open. They both slowly creep into the rooms towards the bed where their owner lays asleep. Once they are both at a close enough distance, they leap on to the bed to wake up their once peacefully sleeping owner.

Scarlett, being used to the routine grabs her two mischievous Doberman and embrace them in morning hugs and kisses.
"Good morning Mel and Ares"
Scarlett slowly wakes up and heads to kitchen as Mel and Ares race towards their bowls and bring them back to their owner. Scar glances at the dogs sitting in front of her with their bowls now settled at her feet. "Can I have coffee first?"
Both dogs look at her still patiently waiting to be fed.
"Fine you guys win" Scarlett opens the lower cabinet where she keeps the dog food and feeds her babies, just as her coffee machines send off a heavenly ding announcing that her drink is ready.
"Finally, Coffee"

Meanwhile, on the other side of the city in the suburbs……….

Someone is already awake, long before everyone else in order to do his morning workout. The clanging sounds of weights being lifted can be heard from inside the at-home gym. As the person finishes with his exercise, he heads to his kitchen and just as he is about to drink his coffee his phone starts ringing. The person starts grumbling “one day, I can’t enjoy my coffee first thing in the morning just for one day” as he looks at the phone and answers “Holmes”.

Authors note:
Welcome to my story I hope you will enjoy it.

I will like to thanks to rory_sunflower01 for helping me edit the story so far 😘😘😘

Let me know in the comments what should happen in the story.

Love you all ❤❤❤❤

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