NM X Female Reader "My Princess" Part 3

Start from the beginning

I knew that's exactly what she was doing too. Showing off what she possessed. Every so often she would catch my eye and smirk, twirling away or swinging her hips to try and get a rise out of me.

I couldn't deny the blush that appeared on my cheeks every time Narcissa did that and every time she would chuckle lowly before returning to her current task.

However, I was guilty of doing the same thing to her a couple of times just to see what she would do. Anytime I did something even slightly provocative I could see a switch in the other girl's eyes, her jaw clenching as she obviously debated with herself what to do.

We had become a sort of game to each other, seeing who would break first and take this newfound relationship to the next level. But for now, we continue the game.

"Same jobs as usual?" The question pulled me from my thoughts, the other girl eyeing me as she waited on an answer.

"Well unless you'd like to try and spear the slippery little bastards we plan to eat, then yeah, same jobs as normal." I chuckled at the eye roll I received from Narcissa, grabbing my makeshift spear and following her to the edge of the water.

While she filled up our canteens and tracked down dry sticks to use for our campfire, I worked on catching us dinner and getting the fire started. We had become a pretty good team, the pious girl taking to the outdoors much quicker than I expected.

After a dinner of fish and bread the two of us waded into the cold water to wash off the day, chatting comfortably as we did so.

"So, what do we actually plan on doing out here? I mean we can't wander forever." Narcissa scrubbed at the dust coating her face.

"I have no clue." I replied with a sigh. "I really and truly don't know. I guess we'll just see where the river takes us, maybe find a road and eventually a town. We can either stay there or if we don't like it we can make some money, restock supplies, and move on. We can be the local travelers." I laughed, grinning.

"Fine by me. This has been much more enjoyable than I could have imagined." Narcissa had a slight blush creeping up her cheeks as she paddled closer to me, our limbs bumping together as we tread water to keep ourselves afloat.

"I have had people waiting on me hand and foot for the entirety of my life. I have never been on my own before, especially out in the wilderness." She paused, eyes darting down for a split second before meeting mine again. "I am the reason you're out here, away from your only family, not even knowing if we'll survive the night. Nonetheless you haven't resented me, you haven't blamed me, you haven't even been angry at all this entire time. Without you, I wouldn't have made it this far. So.. thank you y/n. For everything."

Narcissa's guilty, sad little smile nearly brought tears to my eyes. Her tone was genuine and I brought one hand up to gently cup the other girl's cheek, running the pad of my thumb across her baby soft skin.

"You don't have to thank me love. I made a promise that I'd keep you alive. One which I intend to keep. And to be perfectly honest I've enjoyed your company much more than I expected to. You aren't the stuck up prude I expected you to be." I giggled, trying to lighten up the mood as I never really knew how to respond to such sentiment.

It worked because Narcissa let out a breathy laugh of her own, shaking her head. "And you aren't the average peasant I was always taught about." I quirked an eyebrow at that.

"And what exactly kind of peasant were you expecting?" I had always kind of wondered what the royal family truly thought of their subjects. They had always been respectful enough during the rare occasion they interacted with us, however, there was also an air of prejudice surrounding them, obviously knowing they were better than the rest of us.

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