Sultan Ahmed

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Part two of the last one.

Nearly one year has passed since you first were with Ahmed. From then he didn't even mentioned Anastasia nor any other woman of his Harem except for you.

Everyone, including the Sultanas, were shocked and couldn't believe that Ahmed fell in love with another woman than Anastasia. He was truly in love with you.

But that was not the only reason why everyone's attention turned to you, you were also pregnant with Ahmed's child. The fact that you were going to have a child with him made you more than happy.

Also Handan Sultan treated you now nicer than she did before. She treated you like her own daughter, after all you fixed her and her son's relationship. She even gave you one of the biggest chambers of the palace, so you would always stay comfortable.

You were currently in her chambers and chatting with her.

"Be careful when you are around Safiye Sultan and her servants, they would do anything to you especially now that you carry a member of the dynasty." she carefully warned you.

"Do not worry Sultanım, I will take care of myself." you told her and stood up having your hands on your swollen belly. "With your permission, I would like to rest before the festival in the Harem begins." she nodded. You left her chambers together with your friend, Elizabeth, who was now accompanied you everywhere.

"This baby won't stop kicking my entire organs." you chuckled touching your belly as you and Elizabeth sat down on your couch in your room.

"It must be a boy then." she proudly said what made you give her a glance. "What? He is a fighter and wants to get out there." she made you role your eyes with a smile.

"I don't care what it is, I just want it to be happy." you sighed rubbing circles on you belly. "And besides that, he or she will get a lot of siblings in the future." you both started laughing.

"Oh I am sure it will."


"How do I look?" you asked Elizabeth while fixing your hair and your crown. She scanned your from toe to top before telling you that you look like a true Sultana. She was right, you had all kind of beautiful jewelry on that Ahmed gifted you and you looked more than magnificent.

It was time to enter the festival in the Harem. Actually it was the henna ceremony of Fahriye Sultan and Dervişe Paşa. You didn't want to go at first because Safiye Sultan and her servants and maids would be around you, but it was your duty now.

"Sultanas" you greeted Handan, Halime, Fahriye and Safiye Sultan by bowing to them. Safiye was sitting on her throne with her cat in her hands while the others were sitting on pillows besides her. She didn't hesitate to say anything and showed you/ gave you permission to sit down.

Your seat was beside Handan Sultan of course.

The party was quite entertaining. Girls of the Harem were playing music and dancing while you and Handan Sultan were chatting and laughing. The only one who didn't enjoy the time was Fahriye Sultan, but who could as blame her? She didn't marry because of love but because her mother forced her.

You noticed that Halime Sultan and her maid Menekşe controlled you the whole time, but you thought it was just because they were also upset. After all you could give birth to a Şehzade and that would be dangerous for Halime Sultan's son Mustafa.

A maid came up to you and brought your Şerbet which you took every night. As soon as you drank a sip of it, you felt a sharp pain in you lower abdomen. You put the cup aside and led out a loud scream. Suddenly the music stopped and everyone's attention was on you.

"[Y/N]? Are you alright?" you heard Handan and Elizabeth saying at the same time.

"It hurts-" you couldn't end your sentence and led out another scream. Elizabeth came to help you get up and bring you to your chambers, but Handan stopped her.

"Poison! She was poisoned!" she yelled and looked directly at Safiye Sultan who tried to act shocked as well.

"Call a physician! Hurry!"


There you were; in labor, crying, screaming and yelling in pain. As soon as the physician came, she told you that if you didn't give brith your child would die. You haven't had drunken the whole cup, so you still had hope that your child would survive, even if the midwife had told you the risk.

"Push a little more!" were the midwives last words until you heard a baby's crying. As you were about to ask if it's healthy, your vision got blurry until it completely turned black.


"Elizabeth?" you said as soon as you opened your eyes. She was sitting besides you on the edge of the bed.

"[Y/N]? You're awake! Thank god!" she started hugging you and telling you how worried she was.

"My child?" she smiled hugely.

"Don't worry, they are both healthy." your eyes widened. They? Did you gave birth to twins? Before you were able to ask, the doors opened and Handan Sultan walked in with two girls following her. They were each carrying a baby.

"Sultanım" you nodded your head because you couldn't stand up to bow.

"[Y/N] Hatun, maşallah, you gave birth to a Şehzade and a Sultana." she told you while smiling. The girls came closer and handed you your children. They were so tiny and sweet.

"And do not worry because of the poison. My lion Ahmed already knows and Dervişe Paşa takes care of the matter." she said in a serious voice. Even if it was a important topic, you didn't care at that moment. Everything that mattered in that moment were the twins.

"The naming ceremony will start in a few hours, rest a bit. These two girls are here to help you with the babies." Handan Sultan left your chambers. Elizabeth explained your new maids their tasks and they started working. That made you two and the twins be alone.

"Who do you think poisoned you?" she asked while laying your daughter next to you on the bed.

"I already know who it was." she looked at you confused.

"Halime and Safiye." now she was even more confused. "How do you know?"

"They were quite nervous at the party and Menekşe walked in and out a lot of times, I first thought they were upset because I could give birth to a prince, but now I know that they were working on their plan. They were nervous because they thought I would recognize the poison." you explained to her. "And what part did Safiye Sultan play?"

"She was the one who created the plan. She wants to get rid of me more than the others. She knows that I am close to Ahmed and Handan what makes her be afraid." you sighed. "Thank god that the kids are safe now." you gave her a glance.

"They aren't. The war has just started Elizabeth. They will now try harder to get rid of us because I am a mother of a prince now." you told her while kissing you son's cheeks. You swore to yourself and your children that you would make them all pay.


"Your name will be Mehmed." Ahmed repeat three times in your newborn son's ear. He then handed him to you while giving you a smile.

"Your name will be Ayşe." he repeated three times in your daughter's ear and kissed her.

"May Allah give them a long and happy life." Handan Sultan said and earned an 'ameen' from everyone. Even from Safiye and Halime who of course didn't mean it. They gave their gifts and then all left your room. Everyone except Ahmed. He had Ayşe in his hands while walking to you and taking a seat next to you on the bed.

"She is as beautiful as her mother." he said and also handed you your daughter. You smiled at him.

"I remember the night you first entered my chambers, you were so scared that your whole body was shaking. And now you have given me not one but two perfect children." he reminded you of the past.

"Times change Ahmed." you simply said and he gave you a soft kiss on your forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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