Sehzade Mehmed

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{Imagine finding out that you're pregnant.}

You smiled happily as you walked out of Mehmed's chambers. It was a week ago, when you first went to Halvat. Now you were his favorite concubine and had your own room.

You walked trough the harem in Manisa, where Mehmed was ruling as a Sehzade. As soon as you friend Yasmin saw you, she stood up and came running towards you.

"[Y/N]!! Finally the Sehzade let you come to us again." she hugged you.

She took your hand and walked to the other girls who seh was talking to before you came. Yasmin had a lot of friends in the harem while you only had her.

But it didn't matter to you, because you knew everyone else was jealous.

"Tell us, how is the Sehzade?" Yasmin asked kindly. She was a pure and sweet soul, that's why you liked her. All the other girls in the harem were backstabber.

"He is gently and so loving." you began to talk about Mehmed. Everything you said was true.

Mehmed was just like Yasmin. He also had an innocent soul and a loving heart. Every time you were with him, he talked how much he loves his siblings and parents. The throne never came to his mind.

"We heard you converted to Islam, is it true?" one of Yasmin's friends asked you, trying to not sound jealous.

"Yes I did. Mehmed told me a lot about the religion and I think it is the only true way." you told her. As you first spoke with Mehmed about the matter, he could not believe.

And after your converting to Islam, he even loved you more. But you did not convert for his love, you truly believed in Islam.

After some time of talking with the girls, it was time for lunch. The Hatuns brought the food and everyone sat down and started eating.

You looked at the food and were about to throw up. With the spoon in your hand you played with the soup, but everything you wanted was to run away and throw up.

"What is the matter [Y/N]? Don't you like it?" Yasmin asked worriedly

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"What is the matter [Y/N]? Don't you like it?" Yasmin asked worriedly.

"No it's just...I am not a big fan of soup. That's all." you lied, not wanting her to worry.

"Maybe it's because you always ate meat in his majesty's chambers and now you only have soup." a girl said. It could be possible.

"Yeah, maybe." you stood up and told everyone that you just need to rest a bit.

You walked to your chambers and sat on you bed. Out of nowhere you also got headaches. After drinking some water, you thought it would be gone, but it even got worse.

"Aghas!" you yelled and a man came in with his head down.

"Call a doctor, my head hurts so much." he nodded and walked out to call a doctor.

After some time he came again with an old lady and also Yasmin. The doors closed and the only one in the room were you, Yasmin and the doctor.

"I have strong headaches and feel like throwing up." you told her as Yasmin sat next to you in your bed and hold your free hand.

"Since when do you have it?" the doctor asked as she noticed you hand which was on your stomach.

Before you could answer, she told Yasmin to stand up and you to lay down. She touched you stomach and a smile grew on her face.

You looked up to Yasmin who had the same confusing face as you.

"The news are good [Y/N] Hatun. Your pregnant!" you couldn't believe the words that came out if her mouth.

All of sudden you stood up and hugged Yasmin who jumped in happiness. You opened a box which was next to your bed and handed the lady a bunch of gold coins.

"As a gift for the good news." you told her and she smiled and walked out.

"You are pregnant!! Your going to be a mom!! And I am going to be an aunt!!" Yasmin screamed in happiness.

"I can't believe it. What id it's a boy?" you asked still in happiness.

"Then your going to be a Sultana and I will be your loyal servant." she hugged you thinly.

"I need to tell Mehmed. He will be so happy!" she nodded.

"Yes go and tell him. I will wait here." you opened the doors and turned to Yasmin before walking out.

"Don't tell anyone, yet, okay?" you feared that anyone could do to you and the baby.

"I won't, Sultanim." she sat down and with a huge smile.

You went straight to Mehmed's chambers as fast as you could.

"Tell Mehmed that I am here. I need to talk to him." one Agha walked in and asked for permission. As he came out he nodded for you to go in.

Mehmed was sitting at his desk and working on something. You walked in and bowed to him. As soon as he noticed you he stood up and walked to you.

"My [Y/N], I have missed you. Did something happen?" he asked you after the sweet kiss he gave you.

"Nothing bad happened, don't worry. I just got some news and I wanted to be the one, you hear it from." you told him while taking his hands into yours.

"Your soon going to be a father." you simply said. His eyes widened and a smile grew on his face.

"You don't know how happy you made me with this news. I always wanted to have a child and now having it with the woman I love is the best thing that has ever happened to me." he told you after pulling away from the hug.

"I will soon inform my parents

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"I will soon inform my parents. Now we need to celebrate." he kissed your forehead.

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