Sultan Ibrahim

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{Imagine being the new favorite of Ibrahim and Turhan Sultan getting jealous.}

"What do you think about these?" you asked Cecilia, your best friend as you showed her your new necklace.

"I can't decide which is more beautiful! You really are a lucky woman [Y/N]." Cecilia answered kindly.

You guys were up in the favorite's room which was yours now. It was just a week ago when you first went to Halvat to Sultan Ibrahim.

The first time you saw him was when he ascended to the throne and Kösem Sultan had a party for him. You and Cecilia were two of six girls who danced for him.

Ibrahim fell in love with you like you did with him and then he called you for Halvat. You were so happy and Cecilia was part of that happiness.

After the first night Ibrahim called you over and over again. One time there were also his children who you got really well with.

Even tho you were just a favorite, everyone in the harem hated you. They all were super jealous of the gift Ibrahim has sent you. He got you a special room with everything you needed like jewelry and dresses.

"I like this bracelet the most." Cecilia showed you a little bracelet with green diamonds.

"Since you are the only one that is happy for me, you can have it. I give it to you as a gift for our friendship." you told her truly and smiled to her.

"Really?? Oh my god! Thank you so much [Y/N], inshallah you will get a lot more!" she said and hugged you. She was not a girl that would hate you or get jealous. She was shy and sweet what you liked about her.

"[Y/N] Hatun, come with me." a girl said as she walked in your room. She was an older woman that you haven't seen before.

"Put all these in my wardrobe Cecilia. I have to go now, Sultan Ibrahim wants to see me." you grinned and got up.

"Not Sultan Ibrahim. You will go later to him." the woman said and grabbed your arm to get you out.

You guys walked for a while and got to some chambers where you have never been before. She opened the doors and walked in without permission.

"Clean the mess that is over there." she showed you a mountain of beautiful dresses. You looked round the room and noticed that everything was luxurious.

"Whose chambers are we in? And why should I do the work? Don't you have other maids?" you asked coming closer to her and raising your head.

"Stop asking questions! Now clean the mess." she ordered with a loud voice.

You sighed and sat down on the couch to clean the mess. It took some time, but you did it as fast as you could to get out if this room.

When you were done, you got up and walked to that woman again. She read a book the whole time and didn't talk to you.

"I am done, now I want to go to the harem." you told get while she was sitting on the bed with her book.

She looked up to you and was about to say something as the doors opened and a beautiful woman came in. The girl got up and bowed to her what you automatically did too.

"Sultanim, this is the Hatun." the girl said with her head down. She grabbed your hand again and pulled you the other women.

"So you are the new favorite? What was your name... ah [Y/N]." she said with a calm voice, but you could still hear the jealousy.

"Yes that's me and who are you?" you asked while raising your head. You weren't afraid of anyone in this palace.

"How dare you to raise your head in front of Turhan Sultan?" the other woman yelled.

You knew who Turhan Sultan was. Everyone knew it. She was the first woman that went on Halvat to Ibrahim and she is also the mother of his first son.

"Did you bring me here to tell me that I should watch out and should not go to Ibrahim? Because if yes, don't. I won't listen to you anyways, because I am not afraid of you. Just because you are mother of the first Sehzade doesn't mean your special." you told her not being scared of anyone.

"I see you are a rebellious woman. I just wanted you to know that how much you will suffer, when my son ascends to the throne. Don't get children, because they will die in front of your eyes." she threatened you.

You weren't even pregnant and she threatened you with life of your future children? What kind of person is she, you thought.

As you were about to say something, she told you to leave her chambers what you did. You were on the way to harem as you heard a voice yelling your name.

"[Y/N]! Here you are! Quick, go to Hammam, the Sultan wants to see you." Lalezar said in hectic.

"Fine, but Cecilia will come with me." you told her and she nodded. You walked in your room and saw Cecilia sitting on your bed.

"Come with me to Hammam, I have to tell you something."

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