Bali Bey

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{Imagine you being robed and Bali Bey rescuing you.}

You walked down the path in Istanbul to get to the Bazaar. It was a quiet normal day like always.

"Salam Aleykum [Y/N], do you need the same order?" the shop keeper asked as you entered his little shop full of food.

"Yes uncle, but this time a bit more of the nuts. My father liked them a lot last time." he smiled and nodded. The old keeper started to pick everything for your order as you came up with an idea.

"You know what, I will go and buy my other thing too and then come and collect the food, alright?" he nodded and you exited the shop.

You were on your way to the jewelry shop as a man in his early 20s crashed against you and you fell on the floor.

"Watch out you dog!" you yelled and he glanced at you.

"I actually wanted to help you, but now you can do it yourself." he had a huge grin on his face as you stood up.

"I don't need a help of a dog." you raised you head and looked him directly in the eyes. He was a lot taller than you, but you didn't care.

"And I won't help a woman that is a little Miss Perfect." you sighed angrily and pushed his shoulder, so you could walk away.

"I hope you will get poisoned the next time you eat." you muttered obviously too loud as you walked to the next shop.

"Hey, I heard that Miss Perfect!" he screamed after you and gave you a mean look.


After buying everything else you went back to pick up the food and go back home. It already was dark outside and being alone as a woman in Turkey could be dangerous.

Just a few weeks ago a girl was kidnapped by some men.

"Here is everything." the keeper who was also one of your father's best friends said as he handed you a bag full of food.

"I also packed some of your father's favorite sweets." you gave him his gold coins.

"Thank you so much uncle. May Allah bless you and your family." you thanked him and walked out of the shop.

As you were at the corner of the Bazaar you suddenly heard steps behind you. Someone was definitely following you.

You didn't turn back and speed up your tempo in a way that your follower wouldn't notice. It was evening, so every shop was closed and no one was on the street anymore.

The person behind you started running towards you. As you were about to run faster three men stood in front of you. They had their face covered which made you panic even more.

You looked behind yourself and saw that the man who followed you also had his face covered.

"Who are you?" your voice cracked with fear.

They didn't answer and circled you. One of them grabbed your arm which caused you to let go of the bag with foods.

"Get her money!" one ordered and two came closer to you. You were about to scream as you heard a familiar voice.

"You won't get anything when I am here." you saw the stranger who you met a few hours ago.

He started fighting against them and kicking their assess as he should. After everyone was on the ground and growling in pain, her turned his head towards you.

"Are you alright?" he asked worriedly and came closer.

"Ye-yeah I.. I am fine, thank you." was everything you could manage to say. You were still in shock about how fast everything happened and you literally couldn't do anything.

When he was about to pick up the bag, you saw his bleeding hand. It was seriously injured from a dagger.

"Oh god, your hand is bleeding. Come with me." you took the bag from him and dragged him inside you house which was . You opened the door and saw your sick father sitting on your little couch in the living room. As soon as he saw you coming in with a man, he panicked.

"My daughter, what happened, his hand is bleeding." his eyes went from you to the stranger and back to you.

"Some men followed me on my way home and this Bey helped, but got injured." your father let him come in and went to the kitchen to get first aid suitcase.

"You saved my life and I still don't know you name." you said as you sat on the couch. Your dad put the suitcase on the table next to you and left back to the kitchen.

"Well, you didn't ask." he smiled which you returned.

"Fine, what's your name stranger who saved me from the evil guys?" while you had your conversation, you treated his wound.

"Call me Bali Bey." he answered.

"And you? What is your name Miss Perfect." you laughed at his words.

"It's [Y/N]. Now you know my name, so stop call me Miss Perfect."

When you finished his wound your father also thanked and then he said goodbye and left. All the night everything you thought of was him.

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