Sehzade Cihangir

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{Imagine being the crown princess of Hungary and visiting Istanbul.}

"This palace is so magnificent and beautiful." you admired the Topkapi Palace as you walked in with you maid Natalia.

You were the only child of the king of Hungary and the crown princess. Just a few weeks ago your father got sick and wanted to make sure that everything was perfect when you would get crowned as the new queen.

That's why he sent you to Istanbul to cooperate with the most powerful woman who everyone knew: Haseki Hürrem Sultan.

She was known to be the most powerful and beautiful woman of the world and meeting her was a big honour for you.

"Everything in Istanbul is magnificent Princess." Natalia told you with a smile as you walked further into the palace entering the Harem.

"Princess [Y/N], welcome." a woman with a headscarf told you after bowing.

"I am Fariye Kalfa, the treasury chief and our Sultana's right hand. She awaits you in her chambers." the Kalfa who's name was Fariye kindly said and showed you the way.

As the doors of the chambers opened, you walked in with a smile and your head raised high. You were going to be the next queen of Hungary and that meant to show confidence and power.

"Hürrem Sultanım." you looked at the beautiful lady who sat in front of you after bowing. On her sides were two other woman, one with black hair and one with dirty blond hair. While the dirty blond haired girl smiled at you, the other was giving you a mean look.

"Princess, welcome to Istanbul. I hope your trip was good and comfortable." she showed you to come closer and sit down.

"It was Sultanım. All people in my homeland know about you and the story of yours. A slave who entered the Harem and became the most powerful woman in the world." she smiled proudly at the mention of her. The rumors about her were true, she really was a beautiful woman.

"I heard the news of your father, I hope he gets better soon." she said in a sad tone.

"Hopefully. He already thinks bad and that's why he sent me here Sultanım. Hungary was and will always be on the side of the Ottomans. Me, as the future queen of Hungary, promise you my loyalty." you told her directly without wasting any time.

She thought for a while what made you think she would say no.

"If you don't break your promise, it would be an honour for us too." you sighed in happiness as a feeling of relief hit you.

"Thank you so much. It means a lot for me to be with a woman like you." you smiled hugely.

"Now that the matter is closed, I would like you to introduce you to my daughter, Mihrimah Sultan." she raised her hand pointing to the dirty haired girl. You nodded your head as a sign of respect.

"This is my son Selim's concubine and mother of my grandson, Nurbanu." she didn't say 'Sultan' what pissed the black haired girl off. You also just nodded to her with a smile which she didn't return.


"If looks could kill, I would be dead by now." you told Natalia about the meeting with Hürrem, Mihrimah and Nurbanu. You heard Natalia chuckling as she brushed your hair in the chamber where you would staying.

"I mean it Natalia! She really thinks that she is better than anyone else." you scoffed at the thought of Nurbanu. She was so disrespectful towards you while you were so kind.

"Don't be upset about it Princess. She is for sure jealous." Natalia tried to hype you up as a knock on the door got your both's attention.

"Mihrimah Sultan?" you questioned as she walked in what caused you to stand up and bow.

"Princess, if you agree, I would like you to have dinner with me in my chamber." she offered kindly as you smiled.

"Of course, when should I come?" you asked.

"In about fifteen minutes, my brother's Bayezid and Cihangir will also be there." she told you and left before you could respond.

"Bring me my most beautiful dress Natalia, I have to show them my best side." you ordered as she smiled and did as you said. It didn't take you too long for prepare yourself and you were soon on your way to Mihrimah's chambers.

The palace was quite big what made you go lost. You saw another good looking chamber with guards what made you think it was her room.

As you got closer, the guards opened the doors and you walked in. The room was empty and no one was there, or so you thought. You walked around looking at every detail of the room as a corner full of paintings got your attention.

It were plates with beautiful paintings like flowers and the nature. Birds and other animals that were a sign of peace were also on them.

"Who are you?" a voice of a man said. The voice came out of nowhere and frightened you what caused you to let go of the plate in your hand. The painting fell to the floor and broke.

You quickly bent down and and collected the pieces as one of them cut your finger.

"Ahh" you yelled in pain looking at you finger which was bleeding now.

"Are you alright?" a young man came to you and helped you get up. He took the pieces from you and put them on the table.

"Yeah, my finger is just bleeding." you told him and looked up to him in his green eyes. They were the most beautiful eyes you've ever seen. It felt like they were a portal to the paradise.

"Let me help you." he took you other hand and brought you to the couch. He told you to sit down as he went to a shelf and took out a little towel.

"Thank you." you said as he finished bandaging you finger.

"Your welcome, but now tell me who are you and what were you doing in my chamber?" he asked softly in a calm tone.

"I am Princess [Y/N]." you answered.

"I was searching for Mihrimah Sultan's room, but I got lost." you continued and he nodded.

"And you? Who are you? I thought men are not allowed in the Harem." he smiled at you.

"I am a prince, I am allowed to be in the Harem." your eyes widened and you quickly stood up to bow.

"Excuse me Şehzade, I didn't know." he also stood up.

"It's alright princess. Now we can go together to Mihrimah." he offered and you nodded smiling.

"If you don't mine me asking, what happened to your back?" you asked curiously as you both walked to his sister's room.

"I was born like this and there is no cure for this sickness." he sadly said.

"In our country this isn't a sickness, it's a something good and special. We believe that when you are born with this disease on your back, you are an angel and this is your wing." you pointed to his back.

"You are a miracle Şehzade, never think of this in a negative way." you told him and he smiled.


This was in my drafts for years and I finally finished writing this.

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