Sultan Murad

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{Imagine you having a good time with your family, when you hear shouts.}

"[Y/N], darling please be careful with your sister!" your mother warns you. It's a sunny day and your family decided to have lunch outside in the fresh air.

"Mom everything is fine, I won't hurt her." you say as a way to comfort her. You love to play tag/catching with you younger sister even tho you're 17.

"Ha! I am faster than you! Catch me if you can!" you hear your sister say. With an evil smile you run up to the hill she is standing and pick her up.

"Are you sure little one?" you say as you start spinning her around.

Just as she was about to answer, you guys hear shouts from the downtown.
"OTTOMANS! OTTOMANS!" a man shouts to everyone.

You take you sisters hand and go back to your parents just to see that they are not there anymore.
"Where are mom and dad? Did they leave without us?"
your sister cries.

"No, of course not. We will find them."
You pick your sister up and run as fast as you can to the harbor, to stay at the boot your family owns.

Not caring if someone else is on the boot, you jump in and tell your sister to hide. As you hear footsteps from behind, you pull out a dagger under your long dress.

Ready for a fight you turn around and see a man standing there. You can't see his face until he takes off his coat.

"Who are you?" you ask with your head high, because you do not want to act shy or afraid

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"Who are you?" you ask with your head high, because you do not want to act shy or afraid.

"My name is Sultan Murad Khan" he just simply answers while smirking.

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