Sehzade Beyazid

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{Imagine Sehzade Beyazid showing emotions towards you for the first time.}

"Hatun why don't you understand? Go back to the harem! Sehzade wants to be alone." one of the guards told you, in front of Beyazid's chambers.

That's what he said to you for a week now. You were his favorite and they didn't allow you to check on him.
You were afraid that he did something stupid because of anger.

Everything began one week ago, when the Sultan decided that Beyazid won't go to Manisa but Selim.
And like everyone knew, Beyazid got angry and locked himself in his chambers.

"Please just let me check on him! I just want to know that he didn't do something stupid!" you yelled.

You knew Beyazid had anger issues and because of that he often made so stupid moves. One time he went to where Selim was, to fight against him, but Hürrem Sultan stopped him.

"For the last time-" he was interrupted by Halime Kalfa.

"Is there a problem aghas?" she asked. You never actually liked her, because she was another snake of Hürrem Sultan.

"Yes Klafa! This Hatun wants to see the Sehzade." he said angrily. God this palace will kill me, you thought.

Halime Kalfa looked at you, waiting for an explanation. You were sure that she would tell you to go back to the harem, but you still explained everything to her.

"Let her in." she ordered the aghas who seemed shocked just as you.

"But-" Halime gave him a death look. Then he opened the doors.

You gave Halime a smile which she returned and then you walked in. Beyazid wasn't in his room, so you went to the balcony.

He stood there watching the city of Amasiye. You walked further to him and hugged him from behind.

"[Y/N].." he recognized you without even looking. He put his hand over yours. You guys hold on this position for a couple of minutes.

"Why are you doing this to yourself Beyazid?" he turned to look at you.

"Why do torment yourself and all the one you love?" you asked him deeply.

He looked away again.

"You can trust me Beyazid. You can tell me everything that bothers you." you said with tears in you eyes.

You let out a sob and turned around to go back but he stopped you by grabbing you hand.

You looked up to him and saw a single tear escaping his eye. Then he spoke.

"I am afraid [Y/N]. Everyone who I love, left me for Selim." he said.

"My father, my mother and even my sister." he said truly.

As he finished, you hugged him tightly. That was the first time he showed his emotions to you. He always acted strong and emotionless.

When you pulled away, you put your hands on his face.

"Listen Beyazid, I will never in my whole life leave you! I will always be by you side until my last breath. You are the one I love the most in the world and that will never change. I promise you." you told him this words from you heart.

He was shocked and amazed by the words that came out of your mouth.

He was shocked and amazed by the words that came out of your mouth

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"I love you." he said for the first time and gave you a soft smile.

I kinda like this one. Btw Beyazid deserved so much better! I totally love him. (Mehmed is still my fav)

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