Sultan Murad

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{Imagine you losing yours and Murad's child}

"Come in." you said aa someone knocked at your chambers.

You were in your room with your little son who was two years old. He was sitting on your lap and you fed him.

The doors opened and Lalezar Kalfa came in. She was your right hand and also a loyal servant of Murad.

"Sultanim." she said while bowing.

"What is it, Lalezar? If it's bad news I don't want to hear it." you told, because you didn't want your mood to be bad.

"No Sultanim, I have great news! Hunkarim wants to see you tonight!" she spoke with pure happiness.

Your mood got even better and huge smile filled your face. Murad and you had a big fight a while ago and you haven't seen him since then.

You even did not had the chance to tell him that you are pregnant with your second child, because every time you would go to his chambers, Silathar would send you back.

"Nigar! Nigar!" you called your maid from the other room.

"Take Osman and tell the others I want to have a bath. Prepare also my most beautiful dress." you ordered and took the baby from you.

"Will you tell Hunkarim about your pregnancy?" Lalezar said which made you put your hand on your swollen stomach.

"Of course. I will also tell him that I tried to talk to him, but his little chief guard didn't want it." you never liked Silhatar. He was a very arrogant man and thought of him higher than he is.

After some time you, Nigar and some other maids of yours went to the bath. It really was your luckiest day, because you saw Farya.

At first you didn't have a problem with Farya. When she first came to the palace, she was kind and innocent.

But after some time, she began to say words like:
"I am special to Sultan Murad."
"You all are slaves while I am a princess."
"Sultan Murad doesn't want me to return to Hungary, he came in the middle of the way and took me back to the castle."

And what you disgusted you the most:
"He will marry me."
"I will give him a heir who will be the next Sultan."
"He loves me the most."

You also heard her speaking with her maid one day and that was the reason why you and Murad got into a fight.

She told Madame that her big plan was it to poison Murad as soon as possible. Then she will get rid of Osman and Ahmed who was Ayse's son and all the other Sehzades.

When the Ottoman Empire has no heir left, she will return to Hungary and take the throne.

Every word you heard, you told Murad, but he of course did not believe it and just said that you are jealous of her.

That's why you had a fight. And later you found out that you are in the 3th month pregnant.

"Look, look, look who comes there." Farya said and had an evil smile on her face.

"Finally his Majesty has accepted meeting you." god you hated her.

You simply sat down and the maids started washing you.

"You know, our end can always be near [Y/N], so have fun tonight like it's your last night and tomorrow..." she paused and smirked.

"Tomorrow you won't wake up. And Murad also."

Your head flinched to look at her.

"What do you mean? What did you do Farya?" you asked worried for Murad.

"I did nothing. I just said it could always be possible." she stood up with Madame and walked to the door, but you interrupted her.

"Farya! I swear to god if you did something to Murad or my son, I will take your life myself." you told her angrily.

She did not respond and walked out.

"Sultanim, do not listen to her. She just wants to ruin your night with his Majesty." Nigar said comforting you.

"Yeah. That could be possible." was all you said.

After the bath and changing you went to Murad's chambers. Silhatar was also there like always.

"Sultanim. Hunkarim is waiting." he bowed to you.

"Hmm. I'm sure you already miss the days where I didn't come here." you were sure he didn't like you.

"Sultanim, why would you think such bad of me?" he said what made you laugh.

"Don't play that innocence card. I know your real face." you walked away and into Murad's chambers.

He was sitting at the couch and reading a book. You walked further in and the doors closed behind you.

As he finally saw you put his book on the side and stood up to come to you.

"My [Y/N], I have missed you so much." he truly said. Everyone might thing that he loves Farya the most, but it is not true.

You are his real true love and the only one who hasn't betrayed him.

"Murad. I have missed you too." you told him and hugged him. It was a good feeling to be in his arms again after that long time.

After pulling away he kissed you with his soft lips. It was a long sweet kiss with much love.

"I have to tell you something." your eyes were shining.

"Is it good or bad?" he jockly asked.

You took his hand and put it on you belly which he returned with a big smile. With joy he picked you up and hugged you.

"I wanted it to tell you before too, but every time I came your chief guard sent me away." you told him about Silhatar.

"I will talk with him later about the matter, but right now we need to celebrate." he ordered the Aghas to bring sweets and food you like the most.

"This is new. I never tasted it before." you showed him a kind of cake on the table.

You took it and tasted it. It was delicious, so you ate all of it.

"I wanted to try it too." he spoke.

"I am sorry, but your child wanted it too." he laughed at you mention of the baby.

The night went on and it was magical.


The next morning you woke up with pain in your stomach. You didn't want to wake up Murad, so you went to grab water.

As you were about walk you saw red liquor running down your leg. At that moment you screamed as loud as you could.

"[Y/N]? [Y/N], what's wrong." he asked coming to you.

You showed him your hand which was filled with blood.

"Our baby." you said crying.

I love this one. Thank you for the idea MiraSowunmi <33

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