Şehzade Osman~Mehmed

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{Imagine being Hümaşah Sultan's and Zülfiker Paşa's daughter and in the age like Ayşe Sultan. You've grown up with you 'cousins' in the Topkapi Palace.}

It was the day where Sultan Ahmed and his two oldest sons Şehzade Osman and Mehmed would return from the campaign which lasted more than two years.

Also your father whom you have waited for so long to come back would arrive today, Zülfiker Paşa. You were in your chamber in the Topkapi Palace where you and your mother, Hümaşah Sultan, stayed in those two years.

Your maid was brushing your hair and the other brought you your crown with a headscarf around it. She put it on your head and you looked one last time in the mirror in your hands.

Your heart began to beat faster than it actually should because of your nervousness. You would see your father again.

That fact made you happy every time you thought about it. A knock at the door got your attention as you turned around in its direction.

"Come in." you simply said and calmed yourself down as your 'cousin' and best friend Ayşe Sultan entered your chambers. You smiled as you stood up and hugged her.

"Are you ready?" she asked also being nervous as much as you.

"Besides the fact that my heart beats faster than it should, yes I am." you both laughed and walked out of your room to the privy chambers where you would greet the Sultan first.

As you entered, you saw your mother Hümaşah standing  first in the line next to Kösem Sultan. They both smiled at you and Ayşe and you went to stand next to Kösem.

"Ayşe, [Y/N] you both look amazing." Kösem gave you a compliment what you returned with a smile.

"Thank you Sultanim, but next to your beauty I am not compared." you told her and she blushed. You hadn't had a problem with her since she treated you like her own daughter and was something like an aunt to you.

Your mother rolled her eyes, because she wasn't the biggest fan of Kösem. They're relationship got worse after the death of Safiye Sultan and they barely talked to each other.

At one moment an Ağa announced the arrival of the Sultan and everyone in the room bowed. Sultan Ahmed came, but alone.

"Hünkarım." your mother kissed his hand and hugged her nephew. After pulling out he looked at her and began talking.

"You can go to the gardens, aunt. Zülfiker Paşa awaits you and [Y/N] there." he said and gave you and your mother a smile.

"Do you think he will recognize me?" you asked as you began to panic again.

"You've grown so much since the last time he has seen you and you've become a beautiful young lady, it will be hard for him." she sighed in happiness as you both go outside and she saw her husband.

Without saying a word he came and hugged her and kissed her forehead. He then turned towards you admiring you.

"[Y/N], my daughter, mashallah." you ran into his arms and tears of joy began to water your eyes.

"You have grown so much." he smiled and kissed also you forehead softly.

"I have missed you much father and so did mom." you began to talk and have a quick conversation.

"Now that you are back we will return to our palace as soon as possible. I will inform the maids." your mother said to you father as you all three went back inside to pack your stuff.

It actually made you sad that you wouldn't be here anymore, but made you also happy that you would spend more time with your family.

"What you say, I still have some work to do with his majesty, but we can leave tomorrow in the morning." your father suggested and you and your mother both nodded.

"Yes that's a good idea, I want to say bye to the Sultanas and Şehzades." you actually just meant Ayşe.

"Don't forget that we will all have dinner together in his majesty's chambers." your mother reminded you and you simply nodded.

She went to her chambers and your father to Sultan Ahmed what made you make your way to your own chambers.

You're maids weren't with you what made you go the way through the dark halls alone. The whole time you looked at your bracelet to close the clip and didn't see where you were going until you crashed against a taller figure.

The bracelet you had fell to the floor and shattered into two pieces. You quickly bent down and took it from the ground just to see how it was broken.

"Don't you have any eyes?!" you yelled and finally looked up to see a man in a hunt outfit standing in front of you. The path you took was one that also lead from outside the palace to the privy room so it wasn't that rare if you saw a man being there.

"You crashed against me, it was your fault." he defended himself what made you widen your eyes.

"Look what happened because of your carelessness! My favorite bracelet broke!" you showed him the bracelet and he rolled his eyes.

"It's a bracelet not anything special." your blood began to boil.

"Do you know who I am?! How dare you to talk to me like that!" you shouted at him and he laughed.

"What is so funny?! I am a Sultana! This bracelet is more worth than your life!" you began to threat him.

"Oh I am so sorry Sultanim, please forgive me and my unworthy life." he ironically said and bowed to you while laughing.

"Just wait, I will behead you." you said, but this time in a calmly way. He stopped laughing and looked you in the eyes seriously. You noticed the familiar face he had, but decided to ignore the fact.

As he just wanted to say something, you cut him off by pushing him aside and walking away. What disrespectful man, you thought.

"Pack my stuff Serife, we will go to our palace." she bowed immediately and did what you said.


"Where do you go Sultanim?" Serife, your maid asked as you opened the doors of your chambers.

"I will visit Ayşe. We will have dinner together." you said and walked out. You went through the Harem where everyone bowed to you. Some girls whispered each other things about Şehzade Mehmed and Osman.

"I heard that Şehzade Osman is the better fighter and leader." one said and the other nodded in agreement.

"And they say they both look so handsome." of course they would do anything to get the princes' attention since they don't have a chance with the Sultan.

You sighed at their words and made your way further.

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