Sehzade Osman

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{Imagine being Osman's favorite and finding out that his father died.}

You and some girls were sitting in the harem laughing and chatting about life. It was a quite normal day except for the fact that every two minute a maid ran into Valide's chambers.

Everyone was curious what was going on in, because Kösem Sultan didn't come out of there since two days. Just recently she called all her children for a meeting.

"What do you think is that important that they need to hide from us." you friend asked as she leaned closer to you while you were starring at Kösem Sultan's chambers.

You were about to answer as the question as you saw Osman ans his siblings coming out. Osman had tears in his eyes and looked angrier than ever before.

Ayse Sultan, his sister was running behind him while his little siblings were crying out loud. You stood up and walked to Cennet Kalfa who just came in the harem.

"Cennet Kalfa what happened? Why are our Sehzades and Sultanas crying." you asked and she gave you a glance.

"Hatun go back, come on." she pushed you away, but you turned back around and saw Hagi Agha coming. He didn't see you and whispered something to Cennet.

"Have you told the girls about Ahmed Sultan's dead." his words shocked you.

"What?" you thought about Osman. He must feel so sad right now. Hagi heard you and dragged you out of the harem followed by Cennet.

"[Y/N] Hatun don't tell anyone, okay?" you nodded because everything you could think of was the poor Osman and his siblings.

"I won't, now excuse me." you bowed and left to go to Osman's room. As the guards saw you, you thought they would walk out of your way, but they stood in front of the door so you couldn't walk in.

"Get out if my way Aghas." you ordered but they didn't even look at you.

"Didn't you hear? I said get out of my way!" you raised your voice and started hitting them.

"Osman! Osman!" you screamed his name hoping he would recognize my voice.

Suddenly the doors opened and you saw Osman. His eyes were blurry and red obviously because of the tears. He signaled the guards to let get of your way. You walked into the room and closed the doors behind you as Osman sat on his bed.

"I heard what happened and I wanted to check if your alright." you walked closer and took a sit next to him. He didn't respond and it was silent for two whole minutes.

"Osman I know it's hard to accept the fact, but you have to be strong. If you don't want it then be strong for your family. Think about them." you broke the silent and made him look at you with your words.

"You are right." he said in a sad tone and wiped his tears away. You took his hands into yours and made him look back at you.

"Everything will turn back to the good, I promise." he gave you a soft and weak smile.

"But what if not? What if the soldiers don't want me to be their new Sultan?" he made you think for a moment. The fact that he is going to be a Sultan didn't crossed your mind.

"It won't. And if it really should come that far, I will be by your side and so will your Valide. You know how much the people love her and they will with you too." he kissed your forehead and finally got happy.

"I thank Allah every day for bringing you into my life. I don't know what I would have done without you." Osman told you truly.

"When will be your enthronement?" you asked changing the topic.

"Maybe tomorrow, but we still have to let the people know about my fathers dead. May he enter Jannah." you muttered an "ameen" and stood up.

"I should go back to the harem now, but I will see you tonight." he smiled as you bowed and left his chambers.

Not only would Osman's life change but also yours.

Jannah means paradise

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