Of course, anything. But tell me if you’re okay first. I feel his worry down the link. I can’t spend too much time here or Neo will sense my link open again.

I’m not okay Jake. Something happened at River Run, I can’t talk about it now but I want you to listen carefully to my instructions, do everything to the letter then wait until I contact you again. I will give you my location then.

I spend the next few minutes detailing to Jake exactly what I want him to do. His shock is palatable down the link but he does not question me.

Is that all Freya? He asks.

Yes, that’s all for now. Thank you, Jake. For everything. I’ll be in touch.

I shut down my link completely and Hela turns us back to the woods.

We follow the main road sticking just inside the treeline until we finally reach the dirt road I remember Javier driving me down.

A sense of relief overcomes me as Hela walks us down the road until we reach the main gates.

Three Epsilons walk out as they see me approach and I immediately fall to my stomach in a non-threatening manner. They surround me, a strange wolf on their lands, appropriately aggressive.

“Who are you wolf? Shift!” One Epsilon commands.

Hela ignores him licking her paws tiredly. We are where we need to be for now. She rests her exhausted legs.

I know we must look a sight. Dirty and mangy from days sleeping in the woods, thin from running, and lack of real sustenance.

“Wolf. This is Crescent Ridge pack, if you don’t shift and state your business I’ll have to call our Alpha down.”

Again Hela ignores him. My heart skips. I want to see Xander and Knox but I don’t know how this will go. I don’t know if things will ever be the same again. I just know I need their help.

“Fine have it your way. Don’t let her out of your sight.” The Epsilon orders the other two who continue to stand over me while he links his Alphas.

It breaks my heart that Knox and Xander’s scent has left me, taken over by Gage’s. Had their claim still held, their Epsilons would have recognized it immediately.

It doesn’t take long before I hear Knox’s rover racing down the road, Knox is almost out the door before Xander pulls it to a stop.

“Get the fuck away from her.” Knox barks at the Epsilons, rushing over to me.

“Freya! Baby are you okay?”

Hela stands backing away from him and he stops just feet away from me. His eyes take in our disheveled state, confusion, and concern fill his face.

Xander stands next to him and my world stops spinning. My heart is finally full and settled as my males fill my sight.

I have no right to call them my mates anymore I know, but no matter what happens, in my heart they always will be my males, the ones I chose, and now I need their help.

“Angel, can you shift, please? What’s going on?” Xander pleads, taking his shirt off and walking toward me.

Again Hela steps back. She is torn between Gage’s claim and my heart.

Xander sighs and drops the shirt in front of Hela.

“Look away,” Knox growls at the Epsilons who shuffle away confused as Hela shifts, letting me back.

Naked on my belly I grab the shirt, quickly pulling it on. It’s long enough for modesty and I stand on shaky legs I haven’t used in days.

Xander and Knox stare at me. I feel their eyes examining my body, checking for injuries. They won’t find any. Everything physical has healed. What they can’t see with their eyes they will scent soon enough.

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 3: CHOSENWhere stories live. Discover now