16 | A Selfish Point to Prove

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"Look, I'm sorry, okay?" I plead with him, following him through the hall as he walks towards the studio

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"Look, I'm sorry, okay?" I plead with him, following him through the hall as he walks towards the studio.

He huffs in response, he doesn't even look at me, only towards the double doors.

I grab his arm, I hate when he does this, acts like he can't even look at me.

"Can we just not argue about this in the studio please?" I ask, it comes out as more of a beg than a question, but I'm desperate.

I don't want the entire team to see us like this, it's humiliating. Everyone thinks of us as this perfect couple, and for the most part, we are. I just don't want to do this in front of everyone, I'd like to keep them deluded about the reality that we aren't quite as perfect as everyone believes.

Daniel sighs, snatching his arm out of my grip as he walks faster, still refusing to look at me.

"She was your friend too, she doesn't deserve to be exiled," I defend Michelle, walking faster to match his pace as I walk beside him, forcing him to acknowledge me.

"Yes she does, do you really not see that?" He asks, exasperation fuelling his unforgiving tone as he storms through the doors to studio A. "Think about what she did to Emily and Giselle."

His words are venomous, there's not an ounce of understanding behind his cold eyes, and I can't help but feel slightly guilty.

I also can't help but want to be friends with her again though, she's helped me through so much. And it's not just me, James said the same thing.

We can't just forget about her and move on, it doesn't work like that. We've been through too much together.

"You didn't even like Emily, and don't pretend like you didn't do the exact same as what Michelle did to Giselle, with Charlie," I spit back at him, unable to withhold the words any longer.

I'm sick of him being so hypocritical.

Daniel's eyes light up with frustration as his mouth drops open, his jaw locks tightly in shock as he shakes his head.

He's not happy, very far from it, and his entire body washes with a mark of betrayal, the surprise at my petty comment unable to be hidden from his features.

"That is completely different, I didn't lead him on for months," he spits back at me, his eyes widened and stern as he folds his arms across his chest tightly.

"Yes, but you did use him even though you knew you wanted to be with me," I point out, the situations may not have been identical, but they're pretty similar, objectively speaking.

Daniel shakes his head again, it's rude and condescending, and I can't believe that we are even having this fight right now.

"It's not my fault you pretended to be straight just to please your mother."

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