11 | Memory Lane

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Trigger Warning- an allude to sexual assault

"You look nice today," he mutters, the words drawing slowly from his mouth as his eyes flit between my breasts and the menu

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"You look nice today," he mutters, the words drawing slowly from his mouth as his eyes flit between my breasts and the menu.

Clearing his throat, he wets his lips as he turns the page to take a closer look at the specials.

How predictable.

This is our routine, every week we come to this same restaurant, he compliments me on my outfit- barely compliments me, it's actually much more of a sarcastic remark, and then looks at the specials as though he doesn't have them memorised by now.

It's like clockwork, we talk, we eat, and then we go back to his house to have sex, and then we fall asleep. There's no excitement anymore, it's the same thing week after week.

I'm grateful for Eldon, but I can't help but think I was more grateful to him when we were sneaking around and he was still dating Emily.

Of course I felt bad breaking them up, but it wasn't my choice to cheat on her, and she was never kind to me, so I didn't really feel any guilt.

The guilt came after, when I realised the true extent of my actions, and lost pretty much all of my friends.

Which circles back to Eldon, and our regular dates and mind-numbing conversations about dance, or school, or if we really want to mix things up, the effects of dance on his schoolwork.

He's applied to several universities to study biology, and so I've received many a lecture on why science is so crucial in education, and how I should really start trying to pull my grades up if we are to remain an even match.

I told him I didn't want to go to university, that I would finish school and then look into making my professional dance debut.

He laughed, and told me I was delusional. Then he flipped the page and looked at the specials.

I honestly don't know why he insists on reading the menu each week, he orders the exact same thing every single time. Macaroni and cheese.

It's pretty ironic actually, because that's the food that Hunter always used to make us whenever I went to his house. We ate it when we were sad, it was comforting in those moments, and we ate it to celebrate, or when we were high and just needed a bit of sustenance.

That was probably the only thing that was predictable in our relationship, which is ironic because it's probably the least predictable part of Eldon and I's relationship: Will he get broccoli as a side, or ask for extra cheese?

I guess it's a good thing that Eldon isn't wild like Hunter, but I do miss the excitement of our relationship. And that is unfortunately catalysed by his constant presence in my life.

He asked me to hang out today, he bought some weed from the guy that James beat the shit out of at Stephanie's party, but I had to decline. I can't miss out on dinner with Eldon, it's not really good to disagree with him on this, he says it's the foundation of our relationship.

Dancing With Deception Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora