09 | Bloody Truths

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"I'll be fine, it's just hard sometimes, but I think that's only natural," Chloe's meek voice rings out, she's blinking a lot, I think she's trying to hold back the tears of her trauma from Chris

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"I'll be fine, it's just hard sometimes, but I think that's only natural," Chloe's meek voice rings out, she's blinking a lot, I think she's trying to hold back the tears of her trauma from Chris.

She's brave for opening up to me about this, I probably wouldn't have if I was her. I guess we're kind of friends, but we never really talk just the two of us, especially not about important things like this.

She's a nice girl, but I wouldn't call us friends. I'm glad she feels that she can open up to me though, I guess I'm not as big of a dick as I thought I was, or maybe being the guy that's dating Riley just softens me a little.

"Of course it's fucking natural, that bastard put you through hell, he deserves to fucking rot," I spit out, anger filling my mouth as my mind turns to the fact that that prick had his way with not only Chloe, but my sister too.

Aria is a strong girl, I never would've thought that she'd fall victim to Chris' repulsive scheme, but I guess sexual predators don't have an extensive criteria for their subjects.

It's disgusting what he did, and the thought of him having his hands all over my sister, and Chloe, and all of the other girls he's defiled, makes me want to fucking murder him.

If I ever see that man again I swear I will not hesitate to hurt him.

"I guess, but it's okay. I'm stronger than his torture," her words are laced with a confidence that I've never seen her possess before, she's changed.

Of course it's natural that something like what happened between her and Chris would change a person, and I'm glad that at least she is able to continue to live her life fully, despite having every reason not to.

I look up at her, my eyes intertwining with hers. It's like I'm looking at her for the first time, seeing the true extent of her strength.

She's a survivor, yet she's still smiling. It may be false, I'm not sure, I don't know her well enough to be certain, but she's still smiling.

"I really admire you, Chloe. You're a lot braver than people give you credit for," I tell her honestly, my words slow and fuelled by respect.

"Thank you-"

"What are we talking about?" Emily's voice chimes in, interrupting our honest conversation as her drunken body saunters over to the space next to me on the couch.

She sits down quickly, letting her legs spread as her arms fall over the back of the couch, her head resting in its crook as her lips curl upwards in a sloppy, drunken manner.

"Hello, drunk Emily," I greet her, rolling my eyes as I rise from the leather, gesturing for Amanda, who was stood behind her as she walked over, to take my seat.

"That's kind of you," Emily exclaims, shock laced through her intoxicated tone as she widens her eyes dramatically. "And you're not a kind person."

I narrow my eyes at her, a mocking expression playing on my features as I stick my middle finger up at her.

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