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"Shut the fuck up, Riley," the words slip from my mouth carelessly, I really do not give a fuck about whatever stupid suggestions she wants to give me

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"Shut the fuck up, Riley," the words slip from my mouth carelessly, I really do not give a fuck about whatever stupid suggestions she wants to give me.

The dance is shit. The choreography is also shit. I'll make it on the team either way, so there's no point paying attention to all the little intricacies of the routine because even if I fall on my face, I will be on A troupe, it's basically an unspoken rule at this point.

It's bad enough that they're making us all audition again, but what the hell did I do to deserve to be put in a group with Riley fucking Miller of all people?

She's become even more insufferable over our little hiatus, but thankfully long are the days where I have to pretend to be nice to her.

It was sad to say goodbye to my friendship with Emily, I'd be lying if I said that it didn't hurt to see her walk out of my life, but I won't let anyone else know that, especially not her.

I still have Tiff, and Beth and I have grown closer over the last few months. It's just like old times, Beth is slowly becoming my best friend again.

It's still a bit weird to hear her lust over James at every opportunity she gets, but I like having a friend to whore around with. No one else really understand my sexual needs, well, other than James, but now he's got Riley and therefore has become a bore.

Beth and I both sleep around, and we get to talk about it, it's nice to talk about things like that with someone who actually understands it. I used to be able to talk to Emily about these kind of things, but she never really understood. The only person she's slept with, or had slept with at the time, I guess I don't really know anymore, but the only person she'd slept with when we were friends was Eldon.

"Stephanie, please can we just focus on the dance," Riley protests my rude comment, a slight exasperation laced through her tone as she pleads with me.

"Why are you so concerned? You're gonna make it on the team either way, you know Kate always plays favourites," Beth adds in, looking up from her phone and shooting a deadly glare at Riley's unforgiving face.

Riley's face drops slightly, her mouth becoming slightly agape as her brows soften into a small downward crease, accentuating the hurt she feels from mine and Beth's repetitive quips.

"It's not just Kate this time, Phoebe has a say now and she doesn't know any of us," she chimes back, I guess she's feeling brave today.

Stupid fucking slut.

I really can't stand her.  It was bad enough last season when she took every opportunity to whine about her lack of confidence in auditioning for the regionals team.

At least back then I was getting laid regularly which helped to take my mind off things. I miss the days when I could just take James home with me and complain about whatever I wanted to, knowing that he wouldn't judge me.

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