"Of course, mate." Knox kisses my shoulder again.

"But when you come back, this will carry our mark."

Hela rolls inside me her submission complete. She has everything she wants and needs. A mate. Two mates in fact. Mates she approves of who are strong and caring and have shown her in every possible way they will provide for her every emotional and physical need. She loves them as much as I do.

"Come on, I'm starving, my mates need to feed me." Xander and Knox beam their happy smiles virtually dragging me down the stairs.

In a bubble of happiness, dinner moves like molasses.

I meet so many wolves over dinner, young and old, all who just want a moment to say hi to the she-wolf seated in the Luna's seat between their Alphas. Nothing official is said but everything unsaid makes it clear a decision has been made.

Knox brings a plate of food setting it before me and the pack waits while Xander offers me the first bite. Not until I've chewed the whole mouthful and swallowed, nodding my thanks does the pack begin to eat.

For the rest of the meal, Xander feeds me. Knox takes over after he finishes his own meal letting Xander eat his dinner.

Beta Daryl and his mate Joy tell me wild stories of Xander and Knox growing up, sending me into peals of laughter.

The food is divine, the wine sweet, the company intoxicating, and before I know it the dining hall is empty leaving just Xander, Knox, myself, and the Beta couple.

"So Alpha's, can I say with confidence we have a Luna at last?" Daryl says with a smile.

Knox takes my hand.

"Yes. Freya has accepted our offer but we will not make any announcements until she speaks to her family. Which will be when?" He asks me pointedly.

"Sunday. I'm going home tomorrow, I'll let Neo and everyone know my decision."

Joy claps her hands together bouncing excitedly.

"Oh my goddess I can't wait, we are going to have a Luna accession next full moon. That's only three weeks away! We have so much to prepare!"

My heart skips and Xander takes my other hand kissing it.

"I can't wait angel." His darkening eyes tell me exactly what he can't wait for.

"And on that note," Daryl takes Joy by the hand raising her from her seat.

"Alpha Bane. Luna Freya. Goodnight." He bows and Joy giggles a sweet wave as I blush.

"Hmm, Luna Freya. I like the sound of that." Knox says standing and offering me his hand.

"I think our Luna needs a proper welcome don't you brother?" He says pulling me up off my seat. Lifting me by the hips he wraps my legs around his waist.

Xander closes in behind me, his hands slipping under the skirt of my dress to stroke my ass cheeks.

"You're right brother she does."

I lean into Knox's chest, excitement already building inside me as we ascend the stairs. As soon as we are in the bedroom Knox stands me in front of the enormous bed immediately unzipping my dress which falls in a pool of green cotton on the floor.

Xander rids me off my panties and strapless bra with ease while I unbutton his shirt.

"Angel, you don't mind if I fuck you senseless tonight? I've got a beast inside me that wants to pound that pussy until you can't even scream my name anymore."

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 3: CHOSENWhere stories live. Discover now