"Oh, Noona. You should've just talked to us. To Chan, or me, any of us, rather than do what you did."

"Do they all hate me?"

"No. They don't hate you. They might not be happy with you at the moment, but they could never hate you."

"And you?"

"I was shocked, confused, sad, but deep down I knew you must have had a reason for leaving. Most of all, I missed you."

"I missed you, too."

He gave her a hug.

"I'm never letting you leave again."

"Chan's already got me on a short leash. He barely lets me out of his sight."

"I don't blame him. He acted as if he was fine after you left, but when we first found him... I've never seen him like that."

Rose wiped away a tear that fell at the thought of what her soulmate must have felt that day.

"I don't know why he welcomed me back so easily. He should hate me."

"He loves you. Even if we don't agree with what you did, we know that you were trying to do what was best for us. For him."

"I don't deserve him."

"Chan-Hyung is the best of us. No one is as kind-hearted or as selfless as he is, but you're his perfect match. His soulmate. You deserve to be happy together and nothing is more important. We all agree on that."

"All of you?"

"Stray Kids is a family. Did you not believe us when we told you that you're a part of it?"

After a heartfelt reunion, Changbin took her to where the rest of the members were waiting. He paused outside the door.


As she stood in front of the other members of Stray Kids, she saw their less-than-welcoming expressions. They had all known that she was coming. Even if Chan hadn't told them, the news was full of clips of their leader's and his soulmate's arrival at the airport.

"You made quite the entrance."

No one else spoke. Although Changbin stood next to her and Felix was smiling at her, Rose could tell that the other members would need more time before they welcomed her back happily.

Meeting Minho's stern gaze, Rose knew what she had to do. Lowering herself to the floor, she knelt down and bowed.

Seeing what she was doing Felix moved to stop her, but Minho held him back. When Changbin went to do the same, the older dancer gave him a look that stopped him in his tracks.

The other members felt uneasy at seeing their leader's soulmate bowing to them. Both Jisung and Jeongin were itching to help her up, Hyunjin was trying to stay mad at Rose but seeing her on the floor was too much that he had to look away. Seungmin was watching Minho.

When she made no signs of moving, it was Minho that approached Rose and got her to stand up. They stared at each other for a moment before the dancer wrapped his arms around her.

"Don't think this means that you're forgiven. I'm just glad you're back, for Chan-Hyung's sake."

"I missed you too, Minho."

"Did you miss me too, Noona?"

The only person brave enough to interrupt Minho's moment with Rose was Jisung. She pulled away from the dancer and held her arms open to the rapper who immediately stepped into them.

"Of course, I did, Sungie. How are you? I've been worried."

She stroked his hair as he pouted, mumbling into her shoulder.

"Nothing was the same without you. I didn't like it."

Rose squeezed her eyes shut to stop herself from tearing up again.

"I'm so sorry. I won't ever leave again. I promise."

"And we're supposed to trust that you won't abandon us again when things get tough."

Jisung felt Rose wince at Hyunjin's words and Felix rose up in her defence.

"Noona didn't abandon us! She planned to come back."

"And she told you that when she said goodbye, right? If Manager-nim hadn't given us those letters, we wouldn't have known that, and you would've stayed the angry, moody Felix that you've been since she left."

Felix looked down, upset at the reminder and he felt Rose's shocked gaze on him at the news of how her leaving had affected his behaviour. Changbin stepped forwards.

"Yah! That's enough, Hyun-"

Rose placed her hand on Changbin's arm.

"No. It's okay. Hyunjin's right."

"That doesn't mean he can say mean things."

"Who's saying mean things?"

The whole room went silent as Chan walked in. Walking to stand beside Rose, the leader wrapped his arm around his soulmate as he glanced around at the others waiting for an answer.

Seeing Hyunjin's nervous expression, Rose turned to Chan with a smile.

"No one. I was just telling everyone how much I missed them."

"You missed a lot, Noona. ISAC, STAY week, Seoul FESTA, KCON."

"She didn't miss it all."

Rose froze. Jeongin cocked his head in confusion.

"What do you mean, Minho-Hyung?"

Minho stared at Rose and just from the look in his eyes she knew that he somehow found out that she went to KCON. If he told the others, then she was sure that they would be more upset with her. Before the dancer could answer, Chan cleared his throat.

"She was with us in spirit. Now before we start our meeting about our next comeback which is being announced next week, I have another announcement to make, and I hope that none of you objects."

Everyone, including Rose, looked at Chan curiously. They were all wondering if it would have something to do with Rose's return.

"What is it, Chan-Hyung?"

"From now on, Rose will be living with us."


It was Rose that shouted as she stared at her soulmate with wide eyes.

"Is that a problem?"

"You - you didn't even ask me first!"

"You told me the lease on your apartment ended and all your stuff is in storage. Where were you planning on living?"

"I... Anna's. Until I found a new apartment."

"No need. You can stay with me."

"What about your roommates? Have you asked them?"

Chan turned to Changbin, Jisung, and Hyunjin.

"Do you guys mind if Rose lives with us?"

"Of course not! I think it's a great idea."

"Me too."


Everyone looked at the younger dancer waiting for his reply. Hyunjin pursed his lips, not looking particularly happy at the idea.

"Whatever our leader wants."

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