133. I am Groot

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'Honey, there is a Groot on the phone for you?' Stephen said handing her over her phone. Kat took it with a skeptical look.

'Groot?' Kat questioned

'I am Groot.'

'Hey what's up?' Kat questioned with a laugh.

'I am Groot.'

'Is Quill there?' Kat questioned

'I am Groot'

'You in trouble?'

'I am Groot.'

'I am Kat.'

'What is he saying?' Stephen questioned and kat put it on speaker.

'I am Groot.'

'Groot is Nebula or Drax there?'

'I am Groot'

'Is that all he says?' Stephen whispered.

'I am groot'

'Yep.' Kat agreed. 'Groot honey can you put rocket on?'

'I am groot'

'He is groot.' Stephen said with a laugh as kat poured herself some tea.

'He certainly is'. Kat agreed as stephen slide the milk over. 'Groot?'

'I am groot.'

'Put Rocket on. Rocket!' Kat yelled into the phone

'I am groot.'

'Riveting conversation. Love talking to your friends.' Stephen teased kissing her cheek.

'Groot I'm going to hang up now okay? Great talking to you.' Kat said as she heard Rocket on the other line.

'What are you doing? Give me that.' Rocket sneered

'I am groot'

'I know. Fuck off. Hello?'

'Hey rocket its Kat.'

'Oh hey what's up?' Rocket said swatting groot away

'I am groot'

'You called her? Why?' Rocket questioned

'All he says is I am groot yet they understand him?' Stephen questioned

'Trapped on a ship with him for years i guess they figured it out.' Kat told him

'Why did you call Kat?'

'I am groot.'

'Well... alright,' rocket said. 'I'll tell her.'

'Tell me what?'

'I am groot.'

'He wants your snickerdoodle recipe.' Rocket told her

'I am groot'

'Correction he wants you to make him snickerdoodles.' Rocket told her and kat let out a laugh.

'I can do that. Tell him to have one of you text me next time you are in galaxy.' Kat told him.

'You hear that you sugar crazed sap?' Rocket asked

'Attitude rocket!' kat told him as groot said

'I am groot.'

'Hey language!' Rocket shouted

'Whatever groot said I agree with,' kat told him.

'Whatever,' rocket said annoyed

'Bye rocket tell quill i say hey.'

'Hey kat?'


'Can you make extra? Snickerdoodles?' Rocket questioned

'Sure thing rocket. We will talk soon. Bye'

'I am groot.'

'Bye to you too groot!'

'Your friends,' stephen said as a knife magically cut a cantaloupe on the counter before them.

'Says the wizard.' Kat told him gesturing to the floating objects.

'You love it.'

'I am kat,' she said with a laugh.

'I am Stephen,' he mimicked.

'I love you too.'

A/N If read 'I am groot" in the Groot voice, I love you.

Love is Strange // Stephen StrangeWhere stories live. Discover now