Hi my name is Peter Parker

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'Hi my name is peter parker. My name is peter parker and you dont know me but... youre the only family i have. I love you like a mother. Youre one of my best friends.... damn... okay hi my name is Peter parker and-'

'Hey peter parker.'

'Kat? You... you know me?' peter questioned swallowing the lump in his throat.

'I heard you saying my name is peter parker over and over again. You got a fake identity? witness protection program?' Kat laughed, he wanted to hug her. 'on the run and need to memorize your new name, birth date and hometown?' she teased.

'um... no not that... um...' speak words. He thought as he got closer to her. she was in barnes and noble, holding an illustrated edition of Game of Thrones. Kat always did love violent shows and books. 'I was hoping to apply for an internship at stark industry... i um-'

'That your resume or your pitch?' kat put the book down and headed for the exit, peter followed her.

'What?' He crumpled it up and put it in his pocket.

'Peter parker Im going to ignore the fact that you might be stalking me'. Kat gestured to the bookstore 'considering this isnt my office...'

'Oh i was getting a book before coming to meet you.' Peter lied. He had been following her but only because he was too nervous to go to the office.

'Sure sure dont worry my now fiancé stalked me first when i met him and things worked out great.' She informed him. She looked him over deciding what to do with Peter Parker. 'Okaaay... Come on i dont like reading forms anyways. So lets see if you know anything about anything.' Kat opened up a portal to stark tower.


'Im in a generous mood. Come on peter parker.'

'Miss stark i cant thank you enough for giving me this opportunity.' Peter told her as he followed through the portal like it was no big deal. She noticed that but kept walking, there was something special about this kid. She could feel it.

'No problem peter parker and call me Kat.'

"Kat, I was thinking for dinner- oh hello.' Stephen said coming up behind them.

'Hey stephen meet the newest member of the stark industry family. Hes a smarty pants. And a cutie too,' kat winked at him, stephen rolled his eyes. 'Peter parker meet Dr. Stephen strange.'

'Hello sir. Nice to meet you'

'Call me stephen'

'Stephen.' Peter repeated but Stephen made a face of distaste.

'It sounds weird coming from anyones lips but yours' he told kat kissing her cheek.

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