Nailed It

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'You know you have always wanted to go to kamar taj.' Stephen remarked as they portaled back.

'yeah I but I hoped it would be under... better circumstances?' kat suggested.

'you mean your ex best friends turning psycho and hunting down a child didn't run through that brilliant mind of yours when you thought, lets go to kamar taj?' Stephen teased.

'yeah, considering our combined IQ we have been really stupid lately.' Kat remarked remembering the whole spiderman... spidermans... spidermen... incident. What possessed them to do that?

'Wait, so you just told the woman that is hunting me exactly where I am?' America questioned them. kat gave her an apologetic look.

'sorry.' She murmured. 'but don't worry kamar-taj is a fortress, right wong?' kat called over to him, shooting him a deadly glare. He gave her a thumbs up as he prepared the forces. 'you got the whole of Kamar-taj on your side, plus stephen and myself. I think we have a... decent chance.' Kat admitted.

'Decent?" America questioned incredulously looking to stephen.

'great pep talk honey.' Stephen told her.

'I was never one for speeches that was Tony and Steve.' Kat reminded him. 'I'm more the sarcastic relief.'

'don't worry, we got this.' Stephen told America but she didn't look very confident in them.

'Sorcerers, we are under attack, Kamar- taj must become a fortress!' wong declared and the battle drums sounded as everyone prepared, gathering around the rooftops and platforms. Shields put up as wanda approached.

'Wong,' kat said shaking his hand. 'nice knowing you.'

'what an honor it is to court death with you once more.' Wong told them. wanda stared down at them threateningly.

'I cant believe her... Im going to kill her. You better come with if you want to save her.' kat said as wanda looked down upon this.

'Protect the kid.' Stephen reminded him.

'Try not to piss her off, it is quite simply put that the fate of the universe depends on this conversation going well.' Wong reminded them.

'so no pressure.' Stephen said floating off the ground.

'and you said my pep talk was bad? That was some serious- wong you need to do better, youre supposed to be the sorcerer supreme.' Kat reminded as she followed Stephen up.


'Give me the girl.'

'Wanda we have the full force of-' Kat began

'Give me the girl!' Wanda demanded.

'Watch the torch set aflame. Watch it burn, watch it fade. Watch the armies gather suit,' kat told her.

'Someone's got to win and lose.' Wanda confirmed.

'Your heart wasn't always this black.' Kat informed her. 'you used to be a sweet girl, worried about what to wear on a first date with a guy you met at a Starbucks. You remember that girl? She would never try to destroy the world for her own personal needs. She wanted to keep the world safe so no child would ever have to feel as scared as you once were...'

'You say my heart is black... Well, Kat, who's to blame for that? Who's to blame for?' wanda countered.

'You and your brother. Hiding under the bed. terrified.' Kat reminded her. 'you are now the one with the bomb. You are now terrifying an innocent child.' Kat told her.

'Count your blessings, count your minutes. Played my game, hell now you're in it. Bittersweet, my renegade and now I'm anything but reasonable.' Wanda assured them. 'Grab your sword, but you wont need it. Because I'm not afraid of cheating.' Wanda looked between them. 'I hate to tell you this way

But villains aren't born, darling, they're made. You people made me this way. Stand down.' Wanda demanded. But kat and Stephen didn't budge. 'All this for a child you met yesterday?' wanda questioned.

'All this for children you never had?' Kat countered.

'they were mine!' wanda shouted.

'Not in this universe.' Kat reminded her.

'They were mine. You saw them. you saw them, alive and breathing!' wanda reminded her.

'I saw a projection. Something you created. Because Vision is dead.' Kat reminded her. 'plus vision doesn't have the capability to reproduce.'


'I created vision. You don't think his death was hard on me too?' kat questioned. 'he was like my child. I built him, put consciousness into him, but I didn't try to bring him back to life. I didn't enslave a town so I could play happily ever after.' Kat snapped back.

'Stark...' she sneered.

'Wanda you are justifiably angry' Stephen cut in trying to diffuse a very sensitive situation but kat knew wanda wasn't going to stop.

'Do not speak to me of sacrifice Stephen Strange.' Wanda declared.

'The full might of kamar Taj stands against you.' Stephen informed her.

'Defensive positions now!' Wong shouted from below

'You have no idea just how reasonable I have been but in spite of your hypocrisy... this is an insult. I have begged you to safely get out of my way.' Wanda reminded them.

'Yeah the book of the damn, conjuring yourself as a witch creature to abduct a kid. yeah I don't really quite call that reasonable.' Stephen told her.

'This is me being reasonable.' She sneered. She sent a blast at Stephen and kat but the shields were strong.

'Nailed it' Stephen told wong as they landed on the ground.

'That went great. Good job.' Kat said as she floated down. 

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