You're stuck with me

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'Are you OK? Did she hurt you?' Clint said looking over when he arrived.

"Like I said she made some bomb ass macaroni.' Kat reminded him.

'She didn't hurt you?'

'Stop touching me, I'm fine!' Kat swatted away his hand

'Just checking' clint said hugging her. this was why he wanted to keep her out of it. This was a him problem not a them problem. Kate had no right to go behind his back and drag his best friend into this.

'You should've looped me in on this from the beginning then maybe you wouldn't have a black widow assassin on your ass!' Kat spat.

'I know but I want to keep you out of it I wanted to keep you safe.' Clint told her.

'When did she come? This black widow?' kat questioned looking between kate and clint.

'Last night. She's she blames me.' Clint told her

'Clearly.' Kat said sucking in a deep breathe. 'You didn't kill Natasha though.'

'She doesn't believe that.' Clint informed her.

'I tried to tell her otherwise but she's stuck in her head. She's stuck believing that you are the big bad wolf that blew her sister over a fucking cliff.' Kat told him

'I know' clint admitted his head dropped, maybe Yelena was right, maybe he wasn't brave enough, strong enough to save her.

'Oh and what the fuck is going on with tracksuit mafia? Like that's seriously their names? That's just a bit ridiculous don't you think tracksuit mafia ha!' Kat laughed but clints face with serious. 'never mind...'

'OK so what's our game plan? How are we taking down a black widow assassin and a tracksuit mafia and that weird deaf freaky girl?' Kate ask them

'Weird deaf freaky girl?' kat looked between them

'Leader of the tracksuit mafia also wants me dead.' Clint informed her

'Great, great... this is all great! You should've told me! You shouldn't of pushed me away!' then it clicked. 'This all started that night after the avengers musical bullshit we had to sit through, didn't it?'

'Yeah pretty much' clint admitted.

'Oh my God Clint! Are you serious? I told you if you needed anything to come to me! I told you I'd be there for you and what are you do you play vigilante in the streets with a teenager. She's a kid and you're gonna get hurt! Youre both going to get hurt!' kat yelled at him.

'The reason I'm doing this so she doesn't get hurt.' Clint snapped 'and I tried to push her off of this mission but she keeps coming back and now she's dragged you into anyways.' Clint informed her

'I'm glad she dragged me into this because now you don't have to do this alone.' Kat told him putting her hands on his shoulder. 'We're team, you and me. We have been a team for forever don't push me away..' kat begged. 'Let me help you, let's do this together let's take them down together.' kat pleaded with him.

'I don't want you to get hurt. I can't have you getting hurt.' Clint told her. 'Nat would hate me, Tony would kill me and Stephen... I dont know what Stephen can do to me and I don't want to know what he would do with his weird sorcery shit if you got hurt because of me.' clint told her.

'Luckily for you, two of the three people are dead so you only have to worry about Stephen.' Kat reminded him.

'Thanks for that.' Clint told her.

'Thanks for what?'

'Not blaming me, not hating me.' clint told her.

'I could never hate you Clint, you're family. Plus I'm godmother to your children, you're stuck with me forever. I could never hate you.'

Love is Strange // Stephen StrangeWhere stories live. Discover now