Peter, Peter, Peter

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Sitting on the roof of the school, tears streaming down his face as kat hugged him. He cried into her. she sat silently, leaning her head against his as he sobbed.

"Peter!' kat looked up to see MJ and Ned. She got up allowing peters friends to hug him. That's when she saw it. Two men, climbing the tower down to them. She put an armored hand out at them only to see one in a spider man suit.

'whats going on?' kat questioned.

'Wait kats that's...Peter Parker and Peter Parker...' ned said,

'Trippy.' Kat muttered putting her hands down.

'Im going to do what i should have done and send you all home. I dont care.' Peter told the peters.

'I lost my uncle ben'

'I lost my gwen. She was my mj. I couldnt save her. Ill never forgive myself for that.' the younger of the new peters told them.

'The night ben died i hunted down the man that did it i wanted him dead and i got what i wanted. It didnt make it better.' The older peter told him.

'We both have darkness.'

'we all have darkness.' Kat corrected.

'I wanna kill him, tear him apart. I can still hear her voice in my head. Even after she was hurt she said to me that we did the right thing,' Peter told them 'she told me that with great power-'

'Comes great responsibility' the other two peters answered.

'How do you know that?' peter questioned.

'Uncle ben said it'

'The day he died.'

'Maybe she didnt die for nothing peter.'

'what do you propose we do?' kat questioned. 

Love is Strange // Stephen StrangeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz