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'Tony stark. I need you to come with me. We need your help. Its not overstating that the fate of the universe is at stake.' Stephen told him. Just because tony had moved on and kat and him were on good terms didn't mean he was going to be helping the wizard with anything.

'and who is we?' Tony questioned

'Hi Tony.'


'Come on tony, this is important.' Kat said appearing behind Stephen.

'Boom six elemental crystals expanded across the universe these infinity stones be came in essential aspect of existence.' Wong explained to them.

'Space, reality, power, soul, mind and time.' Stephen added showing them the time stone around his neck he unlocked it revealing the green stone.

'Tell me his name again.' tony demanded

'Thanos. Tonys he's a plague he invades planets he takes what he wants he wipes out half the population!' bruce exclaimed. 'He sent Loki, the attack on New York that is him!'

'This is new... what's our timeline?' tony questioned.

'No telling' Bruce told him 'he has the power and space stone that already makes him the strongest creature in the whole universe if he gets his hands on all six stones Tony...'

'He could destroy life on an unparalleled scale hitherto undreamt of.' stephen told him

'Did you just say hitherto undreamt of?' Tony questioned stretching out.

'Are you seriously leaning on a cauldron of the Cosmos?' His cloak swatted tony off

'I am going to allow that,' tony said looking to the sour look on kats face. "If Thanos needs all six then why don't we just stick this one inside a garbage disposal?' Tony offered

'No can-do' Stephen informed him

'We swore an oath to protect the time stone with our lives.' Wong added

'And I swore off dairy but then Ben & Jerry's named a flavor after me so-' Tony added.

'Stark raving hazelnuts' Stephen recalled.

'It's not bad' tony told stephen

'It's a bit chalky' Stephen told him, kat rolled her eyes, these two were never going to have a civil conversation.

'Hulka hulka burning fudge is our favorite' wong informed them.

'Mines called kit kat kick ass,' kat told them. 'I like it.'

'That's a thing?' Bruce question he had an ice cream named after him well the Hulk

'Whatever the point is things change' Tony told them

'First time our time stone could be the best chance we have to stand against Thanos.' Stephen told him.

'Conversely it could also be the best chance for Thanos to use it against us.' Tony countered

'So if we do not do our job-'

'What is your job exactly? besides making balloon animals?' Tony questioned looking to their outfits.

'Anthony you shut the fuck up right now' Kat demanded.

'Protecting your reality douche bag' Stephen added.

'guys can we table this discussion?' kat asked annoyed.

'The point is we have this stone.' Bruce reminded them. 'We know where this one is. Vision is out there somewhere with the mind stone and we have to find him now-'

'That's the thing...' Tony said hesitantly.

'What do you mean?' Bruce questioned

'Two weeks ago vision turned off his transponder he's off-line' tony admitted.

'What? You lost another super bot?' Bruce questioned.

'Why didn't you tell me this?' kat exclaimed.

'I didn't think it was a big deal.' Tony admitted.

'you are a douche bag. I could have been trying to get it back online!' kat exclaimed.

'He's more than that too hes not just another mindless bot.' Tony told him 'he's evolving.'

'I knew, I knew this was a bad idea I knew this was a bad idea oh my gosh!' kat said running her hands through her hair. They were all going to die.

'How do we find vision?'

'Probably Steve Rogers' Tony admitted 'But-'

'Call him. ' Bruce said

'It's not that easy... God we haven't caught up in a spell have we?' tony told bruce. 'how far back do I need to go? you know that kat and i-'

'Priorities Anthony!' kat snapped.

'No, we haven't... ive been... elsewhere.' bruce agreed confused.

'The avengers broke up we're toast'

'Broke up? Like a band like the Beatles' Bruce questioned.

'We are not on speaking terms.'


'Last time i saw steve i threatened to kill him the next time i saw him soooo yeah same goes for me.' kat admitted.

'Tony listen to me Thor is gone Thanos is coming it doesn't matter who you're talking to or not.' Bruce told him.

'Thors gone?' kat questioned.

'Loki too if that helps.'

Love is Strange // Stephen StrangeWhere stories live. Discover now