You're No Thor

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'Fucking hell.' Kat blinked awake but blood ran into her eyes. 'Fuck!' she yelled restraints on her arms and legs and around her waist. She struggled to free herself. Her nano tech bracelets were in a fucking cage rattling against the walls trying to get to her. 'Come on honey you can do it,' kat whispered. The chips in her arms pulling for the suit.

'Wonderful. Shes awake.'

'Let me go and no one has to get hurt' kat warned them.

'Tony starks wife.' The man said.

'EX. EX WIFE" she corrected.

'you see this camera?' he told her turning it on. 'we are going to stream your torture to your husband-'

'Ex husband.' She told him again.

'he is going to do anything he can to get his wife back. Pay anything and make us very rich...'

'Fuck off!' kat pulled at the restraints but she couldn't for the life of her break free.

'the lady is in too much clothing... relieve her.' another man came up and torn her shirt and yanked her jeans down ripping them in too.

'great this is really comfy.' She told them. The cold metal she was standing against sending a shiver through her spine.

'Smile for your husband.'

'Ex husband!' kat yelled. 'you idiots never learn.' She told him and the nano tech broke free flying to her wrist her hand broke from the restraints and she blew off the other chains. She dropped to the ground, flipping her hair back as she looked up at them. 'I told you idiots that no one had to get hurt but you pissed me off.' A move Natasha taught her came to mind as she lunged at the man, a leg flinging over his shoulder and once she was up there she snapped his neck. His body dropped and she pounced back up shooting two more men with her suits blasters. But there were too many of them and the suit wasn't activating properly, it was jammed only going up to her elbows.

'Come on, come on.' She hit them trying to get them to activate into a full suit. She looked back at the camera.

'Tony. Track me!' she held up her wrist. 'Get stephen and track me and dont give me this fucking bullshit that you dont need him. Hes a fucking wizard and can make protals faster than you can down a shot. Call him, track me and get me the fuck out of here!' Kat demanded into the camera. Blasters broken she muttered ducking as a man came up behind her swinging a hammer

'What are you thor?' Kat questioned

He swung again

'Ive met thor. Hes much hotter than you. Stronger too.' She egged him on tripping him and breaking his arm. 'better hair too.'

She ran outside in the cold her lack of clothing making her shake and shiver immediately. She started running through the snow running and running and running.

'Where the fuck are you!' She cried out. Maybe the camera wasnt working, maybe it wasnt a live feed like they said. Maybe... maybe... no one was coming and she was going to freeze to death. But then as she looked around the haze of white, when she was about to give up and try and find the house she was being held hostage in she saw a portal pop up and the fire of tonys suit blasting him towards her. She clung to Stephen. His cloak flew around her wrapping her up tight.

'Thanks she whispered for co-coming.' She whispered into him.

'Im taking her home.' stephen informed tony

'I have to deal with these fuckers' tony sneered speeding away

Stephen reopened the portal lighting a fire with the wave of his hand and getting kat some warm clothes. He bundled her up. Kissing her over and over again. Holding her close he made her tea and still freezing cold she fell asleep exhausted from the day but content in stephens arms.

Love is Strange // Stephen StrangeWhere stories live. Discover now