The bond between Knox and I has only strengthened since our wolves decided on her. Neither of our wolves took what we did with Freya as just sex. They made their claim. They chose her as the female they want as their mate. I can only imagine what the bond will feel like when Freya is joined to us.

"It's going to be amazing." Knox completes my thought reading me easily.

I nod leaning back.

"So what do we do now? I want to see her Knox, she's my fucking neighbor but unless I plant myself in front of her door she's not making this easy."

Knox chuckles.

"You've had plenty easy. Enjoy the hunt brother I know I am." He walks to the window wall his hands deep in his pockets.

"I want to take her to the pack." He says turning to face me.

"If we want her to be Luna she needs to believe she can have a connection with our home and our wolves. I want to run with her, let our wolves meet properly."

He's always been the smarter of us two. Especially when it comes to matters of wolves. I've always been more inclined toward my human side, it's a balance that's served us well and in this instance, I know he is taking the right path.

"Okay, sounds like a good plan, but we've got to get her to talk to us first," I grumble.

Knox shakes his head heading for the door.

"That's not the Xander Bane I know, since when do you wait around for something you want." He opens the door with a smirk and I virtually leap from my seat.

Fuck yeah. I stride after him out my office door for the elevator.

Stepping in I press the button for the 10th floor. I know exactly where she is. There hasn't been a moment since we decided on her that we haven't, every Epsilon in our pack is fully aware Freya Highwater is our female, and they report her every move to us. They do t know yet she is more than just that, she is their future Luna. They will know soon enough.

As the elevator descends I feel an excitement growing inside me. Pollux rears to attention. He's been waiting for this. Knox is right, we are wolves, we hunt what we want. And I want Freya.

The doors open on the tenth floor and we're blasted by the smell of fresh paint and the sounds of hammering.

The fit-out for Howler is in full swing.

"Sorry this level is under renovation you can't come in." A distracted wolf in a hard hat carrying rolls of blueprint passes us and then stops as he gets a whiff of our scent.

He looks up with surprise.

"Alpha Bane, sorry didn't realize it was you."

The wolf is one of ours, leading our maintenance division in the building.

"No problem Ned, just checking how the fit-out for our new tenant is going," I remark casually as we follow him down the hall.

"It's going well, should be finished in another week, if we can get Miss Highwater out of the way if you know what I mean." He says with a raised eyebrow.

I chuckle understanding.

"She's a hoverer is she?" Knox groans.

In our line of business having a client who stands over you instead of trusting you to do your job is the worst.

"Leave it to us, we'll get her out of your hair." I hold out my hands to get a look at the design for the new layout which does not look complicated.

"Where is she?" Knox asks scenting the air but getting nothing over the strong smell of fresh paint.

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 3: CHOSENDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora