Chapter 17

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Worst. neighbor. ever….

Those were the words that came out from Zoe's lips when she read the note that she found in front of her door. Her eyebrows frown as she crumpled the paper, she was clearly pissed.

“I hate whoever my neighbor is!” She stormed out of her apartment to finally confront the rude neighbor. She had enough rudeness from the mystery neighbor, she was sure that it was a girl—more like, a bitch.

She knocked on the door as she tried to surpass her anger, she inhaled and exhaled slowly while she closed her eyes. She was waiting for the door to open before opening her eyes again.

“I had enough of your shi—” She was cut off when she finally saw the person who opened the door. Her mouth dropped as her eyes grew wide.

“Zoe? What are you doing here?” He asked, he looked at her from head to toe before a smirk appeared on his lips. “You couldn't even wait to see me that you even came here wearing that.”

Zoe looked at herself to find out she was just wearing a oversized shirt with black shorts, she was also wearing glasses while her hair was tied into a bun. She had no makeup on her face at all.

She suddenly panicked but suddenly remembered that he was the neighbor she hated. “Julian? You're my neighbor?!”

“Your neighbor? What do you mean—” He suddenly stopped for a second before looking back at her with wide eyes. “Y-you're that new neighbor in front?” He stuttered. Julian gulped before looking away from her.

“Julian you son of a—” Zoe tried to catch him but he ran away from her. “AHHH!” He screamed while being chased by Zoe.

“I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!” He yelled, still running away from her, he suddenly held a pillow in front of him as if it would be a great shield to protect himself with.

“You were so rude!” Zoe complained.

“I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you. You know that I'm naturally rude to other people.” He reasons.

“I've never seen that side of you for a long time. ” She sat on the sofa, glaring at him sternly. She was clearly upset about everything he did.

“Because, I never want to show you that side of me.” Julian uttered. Zoe looked at him in confusion as she didn't know why he would do that for her. Why her? 

“Why?” She asked. Zoe’s hopes went up, she thought that it might be because she was special to him. She thought she was someone special for him, it made her heart jump in happiness as she waited for his answer.

“Because… we're… friends...?” He said while he looked down at his feet.


We're. Just. Friends. Zoe reminded herself that they were nothing more than just friends. It broke her heart into a million pieces, yet she knew that she didn't have the right to be hurt at his truthful words. They were really just friends, nothing more.

I should be happy that I'm at least his friend, right… ?

“Y-yeah, right. That makes sense, it's because I'm your friend.” She chuckled sadly, she never knew that the word “Friend” could hurt that much. She slowly stood up as she walked towards his apartment door.

“Where are you going?” Julian held her wrists as he looked at her while his eyes tried to tell her to stay. He wanted her to stay, yet no words came out of his lips.

“I'm going to my apartment, I— I'm tired…” Zoe pulled her wrist away as she gave him the fakest smile she got. She was about to step out of his apartment when Julian called her name.

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