Chapter 13

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"What?!" Katherine frowned at the statement her mother had uttered. 

"I changed my mind, I'll be here for a month."

'A month?! This can't be!'  Katherine thought as she looked at Zoe with panic in her eyes. She knew that if her mother would choose to stay with her instead of her precious work—it means she's planning something. Something that she didn't want, she doesn't know what it is but at the same time she didn't want to know. 

"Mrs. Hartz, even if you decide to stay here—I'm afraid that this apartment isn't going to fit all three of us." Zoe resoned. 

Katherine's mother raised her brow as a smirk appeared on her lips. 

"What makes you think that all three of us are staying here?" She asked, making the two girls confused. 

"Zoe, you need to move out." Mrs. Hartz said, making Katherine gasp. 

"Mom! You can't do that, we live here together!" Katherine protested. Her mother chuckled as she had a smug face on. 

"Don't worry I already found a new apartment for Zoe." She looked at Zoe who had a sad expression on her face. 

"B-but—" Zoe was about to protest when Mrs. Hartz cut her off. She obviously disagrees with Mrs. Hartz's decision, she doesn't want to be separated from Katherine. It hurts her heart just by imagining the loss of her best friend beside her. They were like sisters. 

"No more buts! It's either that or I'll never let Katherine continue this nonsense and fly back to Italy." Mrs. Hartz threatened the both of them, leaving them no choice but to obey her. 

"Mom!" Katherine yelled in anger. 

"I-Its fine, Katherine— I'll leave..."  Zoe looked down hiding her eyes with tears that were threatening to fall. She didn't want to leave her with her mother but she also didn't want her to sacrifice her dream because of the situation. 


"I'm gonna miss living with you." Katherine uttered as she slowly wiped her tears away. With the final embrace, Zoe finally stepped inside the taxi with all her stuff all packed. 

As the taxi finally left the place, Katherine looked at the apartment's window only to see her mother with a satisfied smile on her lips. Mrs. Hartz turned her figure as she walked away from the window. 

Katherine couldn't handle her tears anymore as she ran away to where her feet would take her. 

After some time, she saw a bench and sat there. She looked up at the sky and felt the cold breeze with the sprinkling of rain to her face. 

It was starting to rain... 

It then started to rain harder yet Katherine didn't care. She was too sad to even stand and leave the bench. 

She then held her face with her hands as she cried silently in the rain. She really didn't want Zoe to go, yet her mother once again succeeded with her blackmailing. She felt so tired to obey what her mother wanted and be a puppet that she controlled. 

As she cried silently, she felt like the rain drops stopped pouring on her. She felt confused as she still hears the sound of the rain yet she doesn't feel it pouring on her anymore. 

She then looked up to see a black umbrella being held by someone. She looked at the person holding the umbrella as her teary eyes widened in shock. 

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