Dooku was rather interested, the name had changed, he chose one that showed both sides, a man who was from what would be copied, and one who unified a nation. Something about that seemed prominent, a hidden meaning? "I would like all merchants who make trade with the Republic and Hutt space be placed under a Register, using merchants as spies, interesting.

Bos eyes went wide as already her mind was racing at the idea of spies infiltrating mandalore as nothing more then common couriers. "Note to self, increased border security." She mumbles as she types up a note on her pip boy.

That is just one example of his beliefs. Ulysses is a man who respects symbols. He spent his life trying to find one that he could be proud to wear. It began with the tribe he was born into, the Twisted Hairs. They wore their hair in braids to symbolize their life and achievements, and Ulysses has honored that tradition throughout his life, even after the tribe was assimilated by Caesar's Legion.

*a group of tribals are around a fire, all have their hair in thick locks of braids, however, the image of the bull slowly faded over the people, and they all turned into either slaves, or soldiers of the legion.*

Vizsla stared shocked along with many of mandalore watching. "He wants a symbol to replace that for which he has lost." He said with a hint of sadness in his voice, while bo was of another mindset, 'this man is dangerous.'

"Nothing that ties him down, no one to keep him loyal. He would stop at nothing, for that symbol he is under." Merrick stated.

Grievous...or maybe Qymaen Jai Sheelal, understood what that was like. His mask....his love, tied him down for some time, but after her death.....death, the feeling of loss, the grief, was what he wanted the galaxy to feel, his pain!

He's a loyal man too, and that is a both a virtue and a curse in the Wasteland. Despite seeing his tribe betrayed and enslaved by Caesar, Ulysses still remained loyal to the Legion. Give that man a cause, and he'll fight under its flag. He carried the symbol of the bull with him throughout Nevada and was the first in the Legion to discover Hoover Dam, where he spotted the Rangers from the New California Republic. The Rangers had their own flag, their totem was the two-headed bear of the NCR. These were men who shared his respect for symbols, and Ulysses knew that the bull and bear would battle to the death over that dam.

*shows Ulysses, with a red bull symbol on his back, with an X under it. It fades to show the rangers, reporting their findings of the dam, and a general formulating a plan of some sort*

Kenobi slowly went pale, any man who would stay loyal to a force who destroyed their home, was possibly worse than any threat he could come up with. He had started a war with his loyalty. The symbol on his back....the bull, above all else.

Merrick saw Kenobi's reaction, he understood the threat he was. Loyalty wasn't bad, but Ulysses, his loyalty wasn't one about the cause, it was the message it carried.

"I believe, we have found the most dangerous being in the Mojave section of the Wastes. We need to deal with him, in some way." Merrick stated, looking to Satine.

Bo nods in agreement. "I say we take him down hard once we find him."

Vizsla however spoke up. "Let's, not be to heavy handed. We dont know the full story yet."

He didn't fight in the battle for Hoover Dam himself. Caesar had sent him further West to cut the NCR's supply lines. Interstate 15 used to be a highway where cars and trucks rolled at speeds faster than a deathclaw on Jet. Two centuries after the war, it was known as the Long 15, and it saw its fair share of traffic with brahmin carts bringing food and ammunition to NCR soldiers. The road served as a jugular vein for the bear's two heads.

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