49: Everyone knows

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Cas felt sick from there on. He debated going home, but for that, he'd have to get Dean out of his class, too. Or walk. But he also knew he had no mind to be in class right now. Some kids would probably stay anyway, just for the principle of it, to maybe not miss as much – 'cause no matter how inattentive you were, you were still present, unlike not being there at all. Cas was one of those kids who put grades above everything. At least he used to be it.

Now, he excused himself and got a free pass to go home. Too tired and exhausted to walk, he decided to just sit on one of the benches outside to clean his head and think. He was at a spot that could be seen from no window of class, and he was grateful for that. He didn't want to be disturbed-


Clearly, one person wasn't receivable of his prayers. But it wasn't as bad, 'cause Cas recognized Charlie at her voice alone.

"Was just gettin' back to class from the toilet when I saw you here," she explained when she approached, more surprised than anything else. "What the hell are you doing out here?"

"Waiting for class to end," Castiel mumbled grumpily, really not in the mood to talk.

She furrowed her eyes in concern and he sighed, knowing he had to elaborate. "I wasn't feeling well, Charlie. It's alright, you don't have to drag me to a nurse, I just want to go home. But as Dean is my driver, I've got to wait until class finishes. And I thought I might as well do it in the fresh air."

"Go get your man," Charlie advised, not satisfied. "He's your boyfriend, and from the way he looks at you, he'll gladly ditch class for you. Especially when you're not acting but really are sick. Even," she added when she saw him opening his mouth, "if he has to come back later to get his brother. Dean's a sweet guy. And he'll feel guilty if he later finds out about this."

"I don't know what class Dean has right now," Cas lied.

"It's okay! I know! Come on, I'll show you!", Charlie said enthusiastically, taking his hand and pulling him to his feet.

"Don't you have class?", he asked desperately to which she held up a note, grinning. "Got a hallway pass. That's the peak of not ever ruining the lesson. You can just ask for hallway passes for the toilet and always get one. Unlike those bastards that think they're better than anyone and can just gossip about the girl two feet away from them in any volume at any time." She rolled her eyes. "Now let's get moving, bitch."

"No, Charlie... I'd rather not," he tried one last time, and Charlie dropped his hand, giving him a look. "You don't want to go to Dean?"

Cas hesitated, but then shook his head. He wasn't sure what he wanted – except a little space and time to make up his mind. He wasn't mad at Dean, or disappointed, 'cause Dean didn't do anything wrong – at least from what he knew for sure. But he also wanted to plan how to act and react towards his boyfriend and how to start the subject, and he needed his time.

"You fought?", Charlie frowned when Castiel hesitated again. "Honestly, I can't imagine that. You're like, the dream couple... you've got more chemistry than I've ever seen irl, and even more than most TV couples! And you're always so cute and sappy, and... ahh what did Dean do now? I mean I know he can be a dick, but not to you-"

"He didn't do anything to me," Cas hurried to say. "It's just... hard to explain."

Charlie came closer again. "Is that why you weren't at lunch? We were all worried. Dean included. He sent you so many text messages."

"I never have my phone with me in school," Cas said miserably.

"Yeah, I know that, and Dean does, too, but there went hoping." She eyed him carefully. "What's wrong, Castiel?"

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