1: How to screw up the entire school year at the first day

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12 years later:

Subconsciously, Cas checked out the students that would be in his geometry class this year. Most of them he knew already – well, he didn't exactly know them. He recognized their faces and could say about each of them that they would ignore him which was all he could ask for. 

And he wouldn't get to know any of them even further, even if he intended to: What would bring them to even talk to someone like him? There were some kids he knew of that they were constant trouble. But none of them ever bothered to pick on him, so he didn't care. As long as he stayed quiet and didn't interact with them, they sure would leave him alone. 

With a sigh of relief, he leaned back in his seat, realizing none of the guys he knew would use every chance they could get to fight him (which equally meant: to beat him up) was in this class.

 So, all the classes he had been in so far today were bully-free, and so every following Thursday in this year would be – he decided to declare Thursday as his favorite day of the week from now on.

There were only a handful of new kids, none of them made an interesting expression. Only one caught Cas's attention: It was a rather tall boy with short, dark blond hair, wearing a black leather jacket and making his way confidently to the back of class. 

Cas could tell by his good knowledge of human nature this guy was one of those bad boys who made girls squeal by not only their looks, but that little specialty only they had, even if they sometimes didn't even know what it exactly was themselves.

He didn't waste another thought on the new guy; he sat down somewhere behind him and cut off the chance to look at him with it, which was probably the best that could have happened. If he had sat down somewhere in his near, Cas feared he might have stared, something just seemed to be missing about him – And Cas liked to have a whole first impression on people. It made it easier for him to decide whether to stay away from them or not; in case they turned out to be bullies. 

But somehow Cas got the feeling that guy wasn't a bully. But you couldn't be careful enough. And not-staring was always a better option than staring, that he knew based on his experience: Staring made people uncomfortable. Cas didn't want to make the new guy uncomfortable. 

Cas' appearance already featured him as a nerd, as the weird freak of the class. He didn't need to complete this thought by acting like one. Even if it probably just meant that he was himself.

His thoughts were interrupted by the teacher entering the class and starting the first lesson for today.


Waiting for the school bell to ring, Cas hoped he would be left alone by the bullies at least today. First day of a new school year, filled with agony and torture. Only two years left, was the thought that made Cas come today in the first place. Not more than two years

Maybe if it hadn't been for the fact that school started getting important now, that learning actually seemed to be worth something in the end, he would have just ditched class and hid somewhere until it was safe to go home without getting caught by one of his brothers who would never tolerate him ditching. 

The ones who cared about him going to school because they valued the money going with it, were luckily never there, but sometimes they'd drop by to see how their family was doing, and Cas wouldn't want to risk anything.

Not that he'd have to, he actually liked school. He actually wanted to learn; he didn't need to be forced into it. Not specifically because he wanted to become a lawyer or a doctor, no, an easy but peaceful job would be enough for him, but the better marks he got, the easier it would be for him to get a scholarship and go study somewhere as far away from here as possible. 

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