9: Pillows can be weapons

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Why. How. What. Asking the real questions here.

Logically, Cas just chose the first tactic coming to his mind, knowing it worked once so maybe it could make it again. If there was something he was capable of, he sure as hell would use it.

"So, I take that I'll prepare for the religion part, am I right?" he said right back to Dean's face. All these thoughts had formed themselves in his minds within less than two seconds. Maybe he really was smart. Or just a psycho, having so many thoughts at once.

If Dean had expected a different reaction, he didn't show. "Sure, if you're okay with it. I mean, the Angels part is a little more history related."

"I doubt that", Cas scoffed, "Angels are fictional, after all. Religion isn't. Okay, well, Angels are a part of religion, but the other parts of religion don't contain supernatural creatures, and not every religion does, at all. I'll dig up some stuff about religions from the time Angels were supposed to exist, I'll just have to check up with you, and compare it to today's world's sight."

"Who says they're fictional?" Dean said promptly.

Cas blinked, processing Dean's words. Apparently, with a brain he didn't function faster at all. Just different. 

And he wasn't sure if it was a good kind of different. 

"You believe in Angels?", he said incredulously.

"Yeah, well, I mean. Who needs wings to be an angel? I know someone who doesn't." And while saying this, he looked Cas directly in the eyes, intensively and full of honesty.

That was too sweet. Cas's face burned. Luckily, he didn't have to answer. Dean seemed to have figured out Cas wasn't one to handle compliments well (which wasn't his fault; mostly it was because until that day he never got compliments. Okay, that might be his fault though, for being the way he was) and saved him by just continuing as if nothing happened. 

"Religion is kinda fiction too. Who can prove the existence of a god? Because even if there is a god – which I never said I believe in, note that – where is he? I don't see him. I don't see anyone prove he's real. Which might lean on your smartass speech urge and will make you spit out shit from higher quality than the real deal shit."

Cas chuckled. "Okay, I see. You don't believe in the Supernatural, not in Religion either. Noted."

"I didn't say that," Dean hurried to clarify, "I just don't believe in god or any other superior dick that's supposed to watch over us, because if there is one, he's doing a pretty crappy job. Letting us develop the way we did and all."

"Maybe you shouldn't ask me to raise deep profound questions, you do that as well." Cas suggested.

"No way, man! I wouldn't do it for money", Dean immediately backed off. "Besides, you have a better way to express yourself, I'm just talking like the last filthy uncouth dolt."

"They way you just used so many adjectives proved you wrong", Cas teased, smiling.

Dean rolled his eyes. "Nah, I'm more the man for action."

"Speaking of. Maybe we should start to do something instead of just talking about it and then getting distracted."

That's why Cas always preferred to work with people he didn't like, or at least wasn't friends with – they could just get the assignment done without talking in between that would only drag the work out.

"Distracted by what?", Gabriel suddenly stormed into the room.

Cas jumped up by surprise, but Dean didn't look up. He just continued staring at Cas. "What do you want here?!"

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