Chapter 17 'cause I ran out of titles

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Shaggy: Heyy Castiel / What's up? I wondered if we can't meet at the Weekend, we might as well do it tomorrow. You're not driving to your mom tomorrow already, are you? Cause when not we could work at the project, if you like

Castiel swallowed. What could he answer? What would he answer? This was so hard, God damnit. With Meg, he didn't even need to think about what he wrote. Now, he was extremely careful. 

Sometimes a wrong message gets over, and the other person ends up offended or confused and Cas didn't want that to happen. So, he made sure that none of his words could be taken the wrong way, and he was embarrassingly meticulous with his spelling and punctuation. 

Of course, we're talking about CAS here, so it was no wonder, but this time he was seriously worried about how it would come across. Did he come across as a nerd? A nerd? Or like a redneck when he texted the way Meg did? He didn't think of her as a redneck, but what if Dean had a different opinion on that?

Castiel: Hello Dean

Right now, I would say the stars are up, but it's only hypothetical how far away they actually are, because even though many appear to be the same size, some are thousands of miles farther away than others. Plus, the human eye can't even see over such a wide period of time, which is why we're practically looking into the past. This is also one of the reasons why so many scientists and astrophysicists are fascinated by space. It still has not been proved-

Stop. Dean would certainly not be interested in Castiel rambling about some useless facts everybody knew about anyway. Now, delete.

Castiel: Hello Dean

I'm fine. How are you-

No. Dean had asked "What's up" not "How are you". He didn't care how Cas was. Delete.

Castiel: Hello Dean. The ceiling is up-

Don't go there. Better ignore that stupid question. It was a small talk phrase anyway. Cas couldn't handle small talk all too well. Delete.

Castiel: Hello Dean. That's a good thought of you. No, I don't drive to my mom tomorrow yet. That means I have time. I'm not opposed of working on our project with you tomorrow.

Hm. Better, but no. It sounded too choppy. Delete.

Castiel: Hello Dean. Nice idea. I'm in. When do you have time tomorrow? No, wait, it's actually today-

What the hell, brain. Delete.

Castiel: Hello, Dean. I like that idea. Just like I like you. Do you like me? CAUSE I DON'T LIKE MYSELF RIGHT NOW

Why was this so hard? Delete.

Castiel: Hello Dean why would you even want to meet me? look at me i'm pathetic."

Delete. New try.

Castiel: Hello, Dean. 'What's up'. What kind of stupid question is this?? Do you want to put me through hell or what?? Cause I'm definitely going.

Castiel: Dean. I'm sorry. I can't do this. Not anymore.


Delete, delete, d.e.l.e.t.e.

Castiel stared at the chat, his thump lowering over they keyboard. Just why was he such a social loser?

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