48: Baring witness

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Wrong time, wrong place. Didn't Castiel Novak just love these two categories? Like, what other reason would there be for him to be so skilled and perfect at both?

It was school time again, which was the wrong place at all times, a few days after winter break's over, and Dean and Sam were off somewhere – Cas hadn't bothered asking, he just knew he'd find Dean in his second class and then later at lunch, and that was enough. He wasn't the clingy type of boyfriend... he looked for Charlie when he saw something out of the corner of his eye.

Only a fleeting movement, but enough for him. No one would have noticed how the boy hypocritically moved towards the light stream of students and thus away from the school grounds, only Castiel had nothing better to do that morning anyway than to observe his surroundings.

And so, he noticed how the boy was not heading for the parking lot to possibly pick up a forgotten lunch package from a parent, but rather rushing towards the inconspicuous crevice that had formed between two of the buildings on the larger complex. A popular spot for smokers or sometimes suitable for a couple's quick make-out before class.

Cas had to decide fast, and because he was Cas, curiosity won over. He just had to know. Almost instinctively, as if something was calling out for him. Either way, he was soon to follow the boy who had looked about freshman age and pushed through the gap in the walls to a place that with a little expansion could be a cozy little courtyard, but so just a dirty, dark alcove, giving off "vibes", as Charlie would call them, that made Castiel very uncomfortable.

Only to Cas' dark surprise, you couldn't see who was inside that dreadful alcove from the outside. That was why he froze in shock when he saw himself faced with Zach and Alistair.

Ready to flee right there and then, Alistair caught sight of him. "Uh, look at you." 

He grinned and nudged Zachariah who was turned to the younger boy Cas had seen earlier, next to him a boy who must have been his age, probably a friend, the way they stood close at the possible threat of a bully in front of them.

Instead of grinning smugly like Alistair did, Zachariah grimaced. "What the hell you looking for, bastard?", he barked.

"N-nothing," Castiel pressed out. "It was pure coincidence, really..."

"Didn't we tell ya not to let anybody follow you?!", Zachariah glared at the boy Cas had followed, who flinched. "I was sure," he mumbled.

"Ah, leave it, Zach," Alistair waved off. "This is just Cas the fag we have here, won't make us any trouble. In fact, maybe we can get him to-"

"Are you nuts?", Zachariah spat, rage enflaming his eyes. "The little angel's with the Winchester. Dean Winchester. And we swore not to touch him."

"Zackie, come on-"

"Don't you Zackie-me!", Zach scowled. "You know what Dean Winchester is capable of. I don't want him going after me 'cause you couldn't control your pathetically sadistic side. Hell, no."

"We are more," Alistair said through gritted teeth. "The Winchester is easily outnumbered."

Cas had no clue what was going on, only that he had to get the hell out of there. Yet, he was banned, listening fascinated – and in terror – to what these bullies had to say, especially about Dean.

Zach firmly shook his head. "Don't wanna take the risk. And anyway, him being here alone means trouble. Even if we don't touch him, he'll fly right back to Winchester and tell him what's goin' on and then we're screwed."

"You say so," Alistair scoffed. "What would Dean do, anyway? He quit, now it's on us to continue the job, and he should know that. If he's smart – which I highly doubt if he threw everything away like that – he knows it already anyway. No change in that, even if birdie here comes runnin' home and tells him what he saw with his own eyes."

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