31: Showers make everything complicated

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Dean and Sam were awoken by a loud blast of Asia's "Heat Of The Moment". While Dean immediately started rocking along, Sam groaned and hid his face in his pillow.

"RISE AND SHINE MOTHERFUCKERS!", Gabriel felt appropriate to yell at their wake-up call.

"Bro, you really have no friends, do you?", Dean asked and stood up. 

He was well aware how he must look: Dark circles under eyes that were red swollen and probably bloodshot, his hair greasy and sweaty, and the bruises on his arms, face and wherever John had attacked last night, had a good chance of not adding to his model appearance too.

"What did lead you to this conclusion, Deano?", Gabriel wondered, turning the volume up when he saw Sam's response to it.

"Well, that's judged by the fact you just lost the few you had," Dean said and nodded over to Sam. 

Gabriel grinned and ripped the blanket away, simultaneously with Dean's "Rise and Shine, Sammy".

The boy shot them both a glare. "Seriously, what the fuck? Have you two teamed up to my torture or what?"

"Language!", Gabriel called, pulling a Steve Rogers.

"Coming from the one who called me a Motherfucker two seconds ago," Sam deadpanned.

"It's my house, so it's my rules."

"There are literally no rules here," Dean threw in, and Gabriel beamed at that. "Hell not! Where would be the fun then?"

The brothers exchanged a glance while Gabriel danced towards the door – yep, that's right; he danced – yelling: "See you two Motherfuckers downstairs, Cassie made cereal!"

And gone he was. After two minutes, at most, and he had already A) left one hell of an impression on Sam, B) woken them both up for good, and C) improvised a dramatic exit.

"That was interesting," Sam observed slowly, and Dean shrugged. "You'll get used to it, and in the end, you'll realize he's nothing but a gigantic dork."

"But he's really not that tall."

Dean would have spitted out his drink if he had had one; now he was just doing his best at suppressing his laughter. "Don't let him hear that – it's the only thing that he won't take jokingly."

"I'll keep that in mind." Evil-diabolic-Prankster-Sam-grin. A grin that didn't come out often but was a warning sign whenever.

That was not what Dean had had in mind, but if it worked and Sam managed to throw off Gabriel – Gabriel Novak of all people – he'd stand by and enjoy himself some popcorn.


"Can I shower?", was Dean's first question once the brothers were dressed – from the sparse supplies they had been smart enough to bring – directed at Gabriel, who did... Dean didn't really what the older boy did. Some random finger game, humming along.

"We don't use the shower in the morning," was Cas's answer. He sounded hoarse, and tired.

Adding to that, he still wore pjamas over which he had carelessly thrown on a beige bathrobe. His morning hair was a mess – more so than usual. It looked like sex hair, espoused by the intensity of these blue eyes, and the contrast of blue eyes, black hair and pale skin... well, that looked damn sexy.

Dean swallowed thick. "How's that? I could never not shower in the morning."

Cas looked over to him but didn't respond. Gabriel did, instead. "Can't speak for Cassie, but I wanna enjoy my showers, and not rush through them on busy school days."

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