Acknowledgements: (AND YES I MADE IT A FUCKING 69 GET THAT)

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Ok, here I am again. Didn't seem right to say goodbye, did it?

Haha. Ok, sorry.

I don't usually finish projects, which is why I want to do it right this time. Acknowledgments included, and following:

Thank you, Dean Winchester. To whom this book is dedicated in the first place, and you were the reason I held on for so long, kept on. Not just writing. I don't think I'd be here without you, not just finishing this book. Thank you for everything. You deserve more, you deserve it all, but this is for you.

Thank you, Cas, too. You made me realize one can love anyone, and that it's okay. That it's good. I used to resent love (okay yeah still do), but now I think I'm a little more open to it. You made me realize a lot of things about myself, as well, thank you for that. Dean will share with you, so this is for you, too (and you know what else you'll be sharing...?)

Then, thank you, Rachel. I don't think you'll ever read this, or see this end, but it's only right to say that you were the reason I found the courage to start it in the first place. Everybody please thank my dear friend Rachel, for that she is an awesome human being, and so fucking strong. I love you! And there are people out there who do that, too, and you'll have a life with them one day. I have faith that you'll find it.

Thank you, Jona. There is not much more to say. Might not be related to this book, but then again, without me, there would be no book, and there is no me without a you.

I always loved you. And I'm praying every night that you will do that again, too. I believe in you.

Thank you, Summer. Of all the people I named, you're the most likely to stumble across this, hell, I might just give it to you for your birthday. I doubt you'll finish it on the same day – did you see how long this shit is? – but anyway, happy late birthday! I'm eating some of my easter eggs while writing this, and in mind I'm sharing them with you, just like Dean would share with Cas... if ya catch my drift. Lol ok addressing this to you looks like a bad idea, I'll just ramble because I could talk to you endlessly... Ikyk. You mean so much to me. Thank you for always being here for me, for everything. I couldn't imagine what my life would look life if you weren't a part of it, and my heart. Which is funny, 'cause considering your height, you shouldn't be able to take up such a huge space... yet here we are. You're the only one I'm trusting enough to let them read this. Love you, ma vida <3

(this lowkey starts to feel like a goodbye letter or some really sad deep shit, don't it? yeah we gotta heat it up then)

Even though it needed the people above for me to start this, it wouldn't have gotten an end without you, dear readers. Even though I keep telling myself I'm only writing for myself (Which I am, for moose's sake), there is a reason I have posted this. I wanted to share this. And if I hadn't pretended to have at least two readers at all times, I think I would have been discouraged enough to actually drop this. But I didn't. (It's over, and wow, I'm turning nostalgic already). And you can be held responsible. If you like this story, all you have to do is thank yourself, 'cause without it wouldn't have been possible. Thank you for making it possible. Thank you for reading this far. I hope you all live great lives! Don't do sh or drugs or any shit like that, please, you're all precious and perfect the way you are, and there are always people who care deeply about you! And if you don't feel like that's true, it'll be true nonetheless, they might just be bad at expressing it! (not playing down or excusing abusive or manipulative behavior – god, that's why I hate talking. I always end up getting myself into shit. Summer, darling, get me outta here)

So, yk, yk. Love you. Bye for real this time. I'll see you. 

Moving On (Destiel)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang